Explorative Phase II Study of Perioperative Treatment in Patients With Adenocarcinoma of the Gastroesophageal Junction or Stomach
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
The purpose of this study is to determine the rate of complete pathological responses (percentage of patients with pCR referring to the total number of enrolled and eligible patients), as evaluated centrally by a reference pathologist.Phase:
Phase 2Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Roche Pharma AGTreatments:
Inclusion Criteria:- Histologically confirmed adenocarcinoma of the gastroesophageal junction (AEG I-III) or
the stomach (uT2, uT3, uT4, any N category, M0), or any T N+ M0 patient, with the following
specifications: Endosonography and an esophageal-gastro-duodenoscopy; Categorization of
gastroesophageal junction tumors according to the classification by Siewert (1987, cf.
appendix 2)
- Detection of an adenocarcinoma with HER2 3+ (IHC) or HER2 2+ (IHC) with amplification
proven by FISH, SISH or CISH by an accredited local pathologist (for quality assurance
tumor samples have to be available for a subsequent central review)
- No preceding cytotoxic or targeted therapy
- Male and female patients aged ≥ 18 years. If able to reproduce, patients must be
willing to use highly effective methods of contraception during treatment and for 6
months after the end of treatment (adequate: methods fulfilling the requirements of
the Note for guidance on non-clinical safety studies for the conduct of human clinical
trials for pharmaceuticals [CPMP/ICH/286/95 mod]). Female patients with reproductive
ability must have performed a negative pregnancy test within 7 days of study entry.
- ECOG ≤ 2
- Exclusion of distant metastasis by CT of thorax and abdomen, bone scan or MRI (if
osseous lesions are suspected due to clinical signs)
- Laparoscopic exclusion of peritoneal carcinomatosis, if suspected clinically
- Adequate haematological, hepatic and renal function parameters: Leukocytes ≥ 3000/mm³,
platelets ≥ 100,000/mm3; Serum creatinine ≤ 1.5 x upper limit of normal, or GFR > 40
ml/min; Bilirubin ≤ 1.5 x upper limit of normal, AST and ALT ≤ 3.5 x upper limit of
normal, alkaline phosphatase ≤ 6 x upper limit of normal
- Normal cardiac ejection fraction, as assessed by echocardiography
- Written patient consent form
Exclusion Criteria:
- Known hypersensitivity against trastuzumab, murine proteins, 5-FU, leucovorin,
oxaliplatin or docetaxel
- Other known contraindications against trastuzumab, 5-FU, leucovorin, oxaliplatin, or
- Clinically significant active coronary heart disease, cardiomyopathy or congestive
heart failure, NYHA III-IV
- Clinically significant valvular defect
- Past or current history of other malignancies not curatively treated and without
evidence of disease for more than 5 years, except for curatively treated basal cell
carcinoma of the skin and in situ carcinoma of the cervix
- Known brain metastases
- Severe dyspnoea at rest due to complications of advanced malignancy or requiring
supplementary oxygen therapy
- Other severe internal disease or acute infection
- Peripheral polyneuropathy > NCI Grade II
- Chronic inflammatory bowel disease
- On-treatment participation in another clinical study in the period 30 days prior to
inclusion and during the study
- Subject pregnant or breast feeding, or planning to become pregnant within 6 months
after the end of treatment
- Patients in a closed institution according to an authority or court decision (AMG §
40, Abs. 1 No. 4)
- Any other concurrent antineoplastic treatment including irradiation