Genomic Changes Associated With the Use of Intradermal Avotermin (Juvista) in Small Wounds in Healthy Male Subjects
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
The purpose of this study is to further determine the safety and toleration of intradermal avotermin (Juvista), confirm accelerated healing and investigate genomic expression profilesPhase:
Phase 1/Phase 2Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Accepts Healthy VolunteersDetails
Lead Sponsor:
Inclusion Criteria:- Healthy, Caucasian, male subjects aged 18-45 years inclusive.
- Weight between 60-100 kg and a BMI within the permitted range for their height using
Quetelet's index - weight (kg)/height²(m). The permitted index is between 18-28.
- Non-smokers, or ex-smokers that have not smoked for at least 3 months prior to
Exclusion Criteria:
- Subjects who have history or evidence of hypertrophic or keloid scarring or with
tattoos or previous scars in the area to be biopsied.
- Afro-Caribbean subjects are excluded because of the increased susceptibility to
hypertrophic and keloid scarring.
- Subjects who have evidence of any past or present clinically significant disease,
particularly coagulation disorders, immuno-mediated conditions and skin diseases and
allergies, such as clinically significant eczema.
- Subjects with a history of clinically significant allergies, especially drug
hypersensitivity to lignocaine or allergy to surgical dressings to be used in this
- Subjects with any clinically significant abnormality following review of pre-trial
laboratory data and physical examination.
- Subjects who are taking, or have taken, certain prescribed or investigational drugs in
the three weeks prior to Day 0 and in particular topical or systemic steroids,
anti-inflammatory and anti-coagulant drugs. Certain drugs are not excluded in this
trial. These include OTC analgesics including paracetamol and codeine, vitamin and
mineral supplements and OTC cold remedies.
- Subjects who drink more than 28 units of alcohol per week (1 unit = 1/2 pint of beer
(285mls) or 25ml of spirits or 1 glass of wine).
- Subjects who have evidence of drug abuse.
- Subjects who are known to have or had serum hepatitis or who are carriers of the
hepatitis B surface antigen or hepatitis C antibody. Subjects with previous
vaccination against Hepatitis B are not excluded per se.
- Subjects who are known to have or had serum hepatitis or who are carriers of the
hepatitis B core antibody and who show less than 10 units per litre of Anti-HBs.
- Subjects who have previously had a positive result to the test for HIV antibodies, or
who admit to belonging to a high risk group.
- In the opinion of the investigator, a subject who is not likely to complete the trial
for what ever reason.