Haplo-identical Viral-Specific T-cells for Treatment of Cytomegalovirus and Adenovirus Infections After Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation
Not yet recruiting
Not yet recruiting
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The investigators want to learn if CMV- and ADV-specific T-cells (cells that fight infections) isolated (selected) from a donor using an automated medical device can be a safe treatment for treating patients with CMV, and ADV after transplant.This study will test the effects and safety of giving VSTs produced here at St. Jude in treating the participant's infection. Primary objective To determine the efficacy of VSTs to achieve a ≥1 log10 reduction in CMV and/or ADV viral load in the peripheral blood 4 weeks after VST infusion. When the initial viral load is <1 log10 above the threshold of detection, the objective is to achieve a reduction to below the threshold of detection. Secondary objectives - Determine the safety of VSTs when used to treat CMV and/or ADV viremia post-HCT. - Determine the proportion of patients who achieve a negative viral load at 3 months post-infusion. - Assess the persistence of response for 6 months post-infusion.Phase:
Phase 2Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
Inclusion Criteria:- Patients who have undergone haploidentical HCT or a matched-sibling/matched-unrelated
donor HCT, and have CMV and/or ADV detected by PCR in the peripheral blood refractory
to antiviral therapy per institutional BMTCT SOP 20.05.
- Definition of "refractory" viremia is persistent positive CMV or ADV viremia after 14
days of treatment per institutional SOP, or an increasing copy number (≥1 log) after 7
days of treatment.
- Patients have no suspected or confirmed GVHD.
- Availability of haploidentical donor for isolation of virus-specific T-cells.
- Have not received a Donor Lymphocyte Infusion in the past 4 weeks.
- Female patients of childbearing age must have a negative pregnancy test.
- Subject, parent, or guardian are capable of giving signed informed consent.
- Patients must have a shortening fraction >26% or left ventricular ejection fraction
- Patients must have a bilirubin less than or equal to 2.5mg/dL and alanine
aminotransferase (ALT) less than or equal to 5 times the upper limit of normal.
- Patients must have an estimated glomerular filtration rate (GFR) greater than
- Patients must be free of severe infection which upon determination of the principal
investigator precludes therapy with VST.
- Patients must have FVC >50% predicted or if unable to perform pulmonary function
testing must maintain pulse oximetry saturation > 92% on room air.
- Patients must have engrafted with an ANC >500 cells/mm3 for 3 consecutive days.
Inclusion criteria for donors
- Age ≥18 years.
- At least single haplotype matched (≥3/6) family member.
- Donor will be identical to the stem cell donor (Cohort A) or different from the stem
cell donor (Cohort B).
- HIV negative.
- For females of childbearing age: Not pregnant as confirmed by negative serum or urine
pregnancy test within 14 days prior to enrollment AND not lactating with intent to
- Regarding donation eligibility, is identified as either having completed the process
of donor eligibility determination as outlined in 21CFR 1271 and agency guidance or
does not meet 21CFR 1271 eligibility requirements but has a declaration of urgent
medical need completed by the principal investigator or physician sub-investigator per
- Identified recipient with CMV and/or ADV reactivation post-HCT.
Exclusion Criteria:
- Active GVHD.
- Pregnancy.
- Inability to provide consent.
- Need for vasopressor or ventilatory support Patients receiving steroids >0.5 mg/kg
prednisone equivalent at the time of VST infusion
- Donor Lymphocyte Infusion within 4 weeks prior to VST infusion.
- Receipt of Thymoglobulin or Alemtuzumab within 30 days of VST infusion.