IVIG - West Nile Encephalitis: Safety and Efficacy
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
This study will look at the safety and effectiveness of an experimental medication containing antibodies (Omr-IgG-am™) in people with West Nile Virus (WNV) who already have brain and/or spinal cord inflammation or who are at high risk of developing these problems because they have weak immune systems. WNV can cause problems such as headaches, fever, muscle weakness, coma, and death. Study investigators believe people who are not able to fight infection well may be at risk for developing neurologic problems (having to do with the brain, spinal cord, nerves, and muscles) if they get WNV infection. Up to 110 subjects, 18 years or older, will participate for about 3 months and will receive either Omr-IgG-am™, Polygam® S/D, or placebo given through a small tube placed in a blood vessel in the arm. Hospitalization, up to 5 additional study visits, blood sample collection, MRI pictures of the brain and spinal cord, and neurological, muscle, and heart activity tests are also required.Phase:
Phase 1/Phase 2Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)Treatments:
Immunoglobulin G
Immunoglobulins, Intravenous
Rho(D) Immune Globulin
Inclusion Criteria:In order to participate in this clinical trial, all subjects (or legal representative) must
provide written informed consent. Only patients meeting entry criteria will be enrolled.
Eligible subjects must fall into one of two categories:
A. Hospitalized patients greater than or equal to 18 years of age with encephalitis and/or
myelitis as defined below:
New neurologic abnormality:
- Asymmetric extremity weakness without sensory abnormality; or
- Other neurologic abnormality (including altered level of consciousness, dysarthria and
dysphagia) plus fever (subjective or objective) within the previous 4 days AND
CSF examination within the previous 96 hours showing:
- Absence of organism on gram or fungal stain
- White blood cell count greater than or equal to 4 per cubic mm corrected for
significant red blood cell contamination.
- Ratio of CSF: plasma glucose of greater than or equal to 40% (CSF glucose / plasma
glucose greater than or equal to 0.4) Serum and CSF glucose levels should be obtained
within 8 hours of each other for this calculation.
B. Hospitalized patients, without encephalitis and/or myelitis as defined below, who meet
the following criteria:
A positive IgM serology or PCR test for WNV in blood or cerebrospinal fluid, AND
Clinical illness compatible with WNV infection as described by occurrence of greater than
or equal to 3 of the following findings during the preceding less than or equal to 10 days:
- Diarrhea
- Headache
- Fever > 38º C
- Nausea and/or vomiting
- Myalgias and/or arthralgias
- Nuchal rigidity
- Macular or papular rash
- New neurological abnormality AND
A risk factor for the development of WNV neurologic disease as defined by:
- Age greater than or equal to 40 years, or
- Age greater than or equal to 18 years plus immunosuppression, as defined by any of the
Hematologic malignancy; previous diagnosis of diabetes mellitus; chemotherapy within
previous 4 weeks; stem cell transplant recipient or solid organ transplant recipient;
taking immunosuppressive medications, including prednisone greater than or equal to 7.5
mg/day within the previous 4 weeks; history of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
infection, congenital immunodeficiency syndrome (including common variable
Exclusion Criteria:
Unable to obtain valid informed consent History of intolerance (including anaphylaxis) to
IVIg or related compounds Known history of IgA deficiency Known history of hypersensitivity
to maltose
History of (or at time of study entry) hyperviscosity syndrome, such as but not limited to:
- Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia
- Multiple myeloma
- Total white blood cell count > 80,000/cubic mm
- Hematocrit > 55%
- Platelet count > 700,000/cubic mm Meets criteria of Class III or IV of the New York
Heart Association Classification for congestive heart failure patients Serum
creatinine > 2.5 mg/dL or requires dialysis Alternate explanation (as determined by
the investigator) for clinical findings (such as structural brain lesion,
cerebrovascular accident, or other infectious disease, including confirmed infections
with other flaviviruses) Pregnant or breastfeeding (negative serum or urine pregnancy
test within previous 72 hours if woman is not postmenopausal or has not been
surgically sterilized) Investigator's opinion that patient would be unable to adhere
to protocol requirements Receipt of ribavirin, interferon alpha, intravenous
immunoglobulin, or any investigational drug for treatment of WNV or hepatitis within
15 days prior to study entry