
Iberdomide Versus Observation Off Therapy After Idecabtagene Vicleucel CAR-T for Multiple Myeloma

Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
This phase II trial compares iberdomide maintenance therapy to disease monitoring for improving survival in patients who have received idecabtagene vicleucel (a type of chimeric antigen receptor T-cell [CAR-T] therapy) for multiple myeloma. The usual approach after treatment with idecabtagene vicleucel is to monitor the multiple myeloma without giving myeloma medications. There is currently no medication approved specifically for use after idecabtagene vicleucel treatment. Upon administration, iberdomide modifies the immune system and activates immune cells called T-cells, which could enhance the effectiveness of idecabtagene vicleucel. Iberdomide may keep multiple myeloma under control for longer than the usual approach (disease monitoring) after idecabtagene vicleucel, and may help multiple myeloma patients live longer.
Phase 2
Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
National Cancer Institute (NCI)
Inclusion Criteria:


- All patients must be pre-registered in order to submit the required bone marrow and
blood specimens

- Note: Bone marrow aspirate for patients who consent to biobanking should also be
submitted at this time as outlined

- Please ensure patient has suspected diagnosis of multiple myeloma and meets on
study guidelines prior to informed consent and biospecimen collection

- In cases where the bone marrow aspiration may be inadequate at Step 0
registration, the patient may still register on study


- Patients must have diagnostically confirmed MM in response status of stable disease or
better by International Myeloma Working Group (IMWG) criteria at day 80-110
post-infusion of ide-cel. Patients in deep remission (e.g., CR, MRD-negative, etc.),
are eligible

- All patients are required to have received ide-cel CAR-T within 80-110 days of

- Adverse events related to ide-cel are required to have resolved to grade =< 1 except
fatigue, alopecia, and other events that are unlikely to interfere with study
assessments or pose a safety risk to participants

- Patients must have had ≥ 4 lines of therapy for MM (this includes proteasome
inhibitor, immunomodulatory agent, and anti-CD38 monoclonal antibody)

- Prior therapy with iberdomide is permitted but prior iberdomide refractoriness is
prohibited. Refractoriness is defined as per published IMWG criteria; progression
while on iberdomide or within 60 days of stopping iberdomide

- Patients who have received MM-directed therapy since ide-cel infusion are not
eligible, with the exception of short-course steroids for managing ide-cel toxicity as
described below

- Age ≥ 18 years

- Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) performance status ≤ 2

- Absolute neutrophil count (ANC) ≥ 1,500/mm^3

- Platelet transfusions or use of growth factors for neutropenia (e.g., filgrastim,
tbo-filgrastim, sagramostim) are not permitted to meet enrollment criteria

- Platelet count ≥ 75,000/mm^3

- Platelet transfusions or use of growth factors for neutropenia (e.g., filgrastim,
tbo-filgrastim, sagramostim) are not permitted to meet enrollment criteria

- Calculated (calc.) creatinine clearance > 30 mL/min by Modification of Diet in Renal
Disease (MDRD)

- Platelet transfusions or use of growth factors for neutropenia (e.g., filgrastim,
tbo-filgrastim, sagramostim) are not permitted to meet enrollment criteria

- Total bilirubin ≤ 1.5 x upper limit of normal (ULN)

- Platelet transfusions or use of growth factors for neutropenia (e.g., filgrastim,
tbo-filgrastim, sagramostim) are not permitted to meet enrollment criteria

- Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) (serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase
[SGOT])/alanine aminotransferase (ALT) (serum glutamate pyruvate transaminase [SGPT])
≤ 3 x upper limit of normal (ULN)

- Platelet transfusions or use of growth factors for neutropenia (e.g., filgrastim,
tbo-filgrastim, sagramostim) are not permitted to meet enrollment criteria

- Not pregnant and not nursing, because this study involves an investigational agent
whose genotoxic, mutagenic and teratogenic effect on the developing fetus and newborn
are unknown.

- FCBP (female of childbearing potential) is a female who: 1) has achieved menarche
(first menstrual cycle) at some point, 2) has not undergone a hysterectomy (the
surgical removal of the uterus) or bilateral oophorectomy (the surgical removal
of both ovaries) or 3) has not been naturally postmenopausal (amenorrhea
following cancer therapy does not rule out childbearing potential) for at least
24 consecutive months (ie, has had menses at any time during the preceding 24
consecutive months).

- Females of childbearing potential (FCBP):

- Must use a contraceptive method that is highly effective (with a failure
rate of < 1% per year), preferably with low user dependency during the
intervention period and for at least 28 days after the last dose of study
intervention and agrees not to donate eggs (ova, oocytes) for the purpose of
reproduction during this period. The investigator should evaluate the
effectiveness of the contraceptive method in relationship to the first dose
of study intervention.

- The effects of iberdomide on the developing human fetus are unknown.
Immunodulatory derivative (IMiD) agents as well as other therapeutic agents
used in this trial are known to be teratogenic. Females of child-bearing
potential (FCBP) must have a negative serum or urine pregnancy test with a
sensitivity of at least 25 mIU/mL within 10-14 days prior to, and again
within 24 hours of starting iberdomide, and must either commit to continued
abstinence from heterosexual intercourse or begin two acceptable methods of
birth control, one highly effective method and one additional effective
method at the same time, at least 28 days before she starts taking
iberdomide. Examples of highly effective methods are intrauterine device,
hormonal contraceptives, tubal ligation, or partner's vasectomy. Examples of
barrier method are male condom, diaphragm, or cervical cap. FCBP must also
agree to ongoing pregnancy testing. Men must agree to use a latex condom
during sexual contact with a FCBP even if they have had a successful
vasectomy. All patients must be counseled at a minimum of every 28 days
about pregnancy precautions and risk of fetal exposure.

- Should a woman become pregnant or suspect she is pregnant while she or her
partner are participating in this study, she should inform her treating
physician immediately. FCBP must use adequate contraception for at least 28
days after discontinuation from study. Because of the potential for serious
adverse reactions in a breastfed child, women are advised not to breastfeed
during treatment and for at least 28 days after the last dose.

- The investigator is responsible for review of medical history, menstrual
history, and recent sexual activity to decrease the risk for inclusion of a
woman with a nearly undetected pregnancy.

- Non-childbearing potential is defined as follows (by other than medical reasons):

- ≥ 45 years of age and has not had menses for > 1 year

- Patients who have been amenorrhoeic for < 2 years without history of a
hysterectomy and oophorectomy must have a follicle stimulating hormone value
in the postmenopausal range upon screening evaluation

- Post-hysterectomy, post-bilateral oophorectomy, or post-tubal ligation.
Documented hysterectomy or oophorectomy must be confirmed with medical
records of the actual procedure or confirmed by an ultrasound. Tubal
ligation must be confirmed with medical records of the actual procedure

- Male patients must agree to use an adequate method of contraception for the duration
of the study and for 28 days afterwards.

- Male participants: contraceptive use should be consistent with local regulations
regarding the methods of contraception for those participating in clinical

- Male participants are eligible to participate if they agree to the following
during the intervention period and for 28 days after the last dose of study
treatment to allow for clearance of any altered sperm:

- Refrain from donating sperm

PLUS, either:

- Be abstinent from heterosexual intercourse as their preferred and usual lifestyle
(abstinent on a long term and persistent basis) and agree to remain abstinent OR

- Must agree to use contraception/barrier as detailed below:

- Agree to use a male condom, even if they have undergone a successful vasectomy,
and female partner to use an additional highly effective contraceptive method
with a failure rate of < 1% per year as when having sexual intercourse with a
woman of childbearing potential (including pregnant females)

- Patients may not have polyneuropathy, organomegaly, endocrinopathy,
monoclonal gammopathy, and skin changes (POEMS) syndrome or amyloidosis
involving any vital organ; amyloidosis found in skin or lymph nodes
("non-vital organs"), or incidental observation of amyloidosis on bone
marrow biopsy, are both permissible. Plasma cell leukemia is permissible for
study enrollment

- Patients with a prior or concurrent malignancy whose natural history or
treatment does not have the potential to interfere with the safety or
efficacy assessment of the investigational regimen are eligible for this

- Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected patients on effective
anti-retroviral therapy with undetectable viral load within 6 months prior
to registration are eligible for this trial

- For patients with evidence of chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection, the
HBV viral load must be undetectable on suppressive therapy, if indicated

- Patients with a history of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection must have been
treated and cured. Patients with HCV infection who are currently on
treatment are eligible if they have an undetectable HCV viral load

- Patients may not have other, active infections at time of study
registration. Recent infections are not exclusionary if antibiotics have
been completed and infection is considered to be resolved / controlled.
(Chronic maintenance antibiotics for prior infections, such as fungal, are

- No known allergy to iberdomide

- No known medical condition causing an inability to swallow oral formulations
of agents

- Patients receiving other active therapies for MM since ide-cel infusion are
prohibited from participating in the study

- Corticosteroids used for the purpose of managing ide-cel toxicity (often
neurotoxicity) soon after ide-cel administration are acceptable, provided
that the participant will have been off corticosteroids for > 30 days by
cycle 1 day 1. Physiologically dosed chronic steroids are permitted

- Given the potential for interaction with iberdomide, patients who take
strong CYP3A4 inducers or inhibitors may enroll after switching to a
different agent and after an appropriate washout period for that particular
medication, ideally three half-lives, prior to cycle 1 day 1