Immunonutrition in Cardiac Surgery
Trial end date:
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Effect of two preoperative oral immune-enhancing nutritional supplements in patients at high risk of infection after cardiac surgery: a randomized placebo-controlled study. Introduction: In our first study we showed that the use of a preoperative oral immune-enhancing nutritional supplement (OIENS) resulted in an improved patients' host-defence with a reduction in postoperative infectious morbidity in 'high-risk' cardiac surgery patients. The use of the OIENS resulted also in less postoperative organ dysfunction. Experimental studies have shown that additional glycine results in less ischemia-reperfusion damage and that glycine has anti-inflammatory properties. Objective: The use of an OIENS in the preoperative period in patients at high risk of infection after elective cardiac surgery with the use of cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) results in a reduction in infections as in our first study. The addition of 9.6 gram glycine per sachet OIENS results in a further reduction in postoperative dysfunction. Design: A prospective randomized placebo controlled study with two oral immune enhancing nutritional formula's and an isocaloric control formula. Patients: Seventy-four consecutive patients undergoing cardiac surgery with the use of an CPB who met one or more of the following inclusion criteria: Age 70 years or older, mitral valve replacement or cardiac ejection fraction less then 40%. Exclusion criteria were age < 18 years, proven malignancy, use of corticosteroids, severe renal and liver failure. Definition of a protocol violation was the intake of less then 5 L or more then 10 L of the nutritional supplement in the preoperative period. Intervention: Patients were split up in three groups by concealed randomisation. One group received the arginine, omega3-PUFAs and nucleotides enriched formula (OIENS). Another group received the OIENS further enriched with glycine (OIENS+glyc). The control group received an isocaloric nutritional supplement without the enrichments.Phase:
N/AAccepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Academisch Medisch Centrum - Universiteit van Amsterdam (AMC-UvA)Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:Patients undergoing cardiac surgery with the use of cardiopulmonary bypass, who met one of
the following criteria
- age >= 70 years
- poor left ventricular function (ejection fraction < 0.4)
- mitral valve replacement
Exclusion Criteria:
- Age =< 21 years
- Pregnancy
- Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
- Hepatic Cirrhosis
- Known malignancy
- Use of chemotherapy, NSAIDs (except ASA), or corticosteroids
- Schizophrenia
- Severe renal failure (creatinine clearance < 25 mL/h) before study entrance
- Patients with an organ transplantation in the past