Injectable Diclofenac for the Prevention of Post-operative Dental Pain
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
This is a prospective, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel group study in approximately 75 patients undergoing surgical removal of an impacted lower third molar.Phase:
Phase 2Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
IBSA Institut Biochimique SATreatments:
Inclusion Criteria:1. Out-patients of either gender.
2. Patients aged ≥ 18 to ≤ 65 years old.
3. Subjects able and willing to give their written consent prior to inclusion in the
4. Female subjects of childbearing potential must (1) have a negative urine pregnancy
test at the inclusion visit, (2) be using an appropriate method of contraception
according to the definition of Note of ICH M3 Guideline (implants, injectables,
combined oral contraceptives, some IUDs, sexual abstinence or vasectomised partner),
and (3) be willing to continue using the contraceptive method throughout the entire
study period.
5. Subjects must (1) be able to comprehend the full nature and purpose of the study,
including possible risks and side effects, (2) fully co-operate with the Investigator,
(3) comply with the requirements of the entire study.
6. Patients undergoing surgical extraction of a single, fully or partially impacted
mandibular 3rd molar requiring bone removal.
Exclusion Criteria:
1. Patients refusing to give written informed consent.
2. Patients not able to understand the purposes of the study or not willing to return for
the control visits.
3. Patients with major psychiatric disorders that, in the investigator's opinion, could
compromise study participation.
4. Patients enrolled in any clinical trial in the previous 3 months.
5. Employees of the study centre with direct involvement in the proposed study or other
studies under the direction of the main investigator or study centre, as well as
family members of the employees or investigator.
6. Pregnant or breast-feeding women.
7. Alcohol or drug abuse in the previous 12 months.
8. Clinically significant or unstable concomitant disease whose sequelae might interfere
with the study evaluation parameters.