Insulins Glargine and gluLisine strAtegy Versus Premixed Insulin strAteGy: a cOmparative Study
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
Primary Objective: To demonstrate the superiority of a strategy with insulin glargine in comparison with a strategy including the premixed insulin in term of percentage of patients reaching HbA1c (glycosylated hemoglobin) below 7% at the end of treatment and who do not experience documented symptomatic hypoglycemia (confirmed by a Plasma Glucose (PG) below 56 mg/dL (3.1 mmol/L)) over a 24-week treatment period, in Type 2 diabetes patients failing lifestyle management and oral agents. Secondary Objectives: To assess the effect of insulin glargine in comparison with premixed insulin on : - Evolution of HbA1c level during the treatment period Percentage of patients who reach the target of HbA1c < 7 % and who do not experience documented symptomatic hypoglycemia confirmed by a Plasma Glucose (PG) below 70 mg/dL (3.9 mmol/L) - Percentage of patients who reach the target of HbA1c < 6.5% and who do not experience documented symptomatic hypoglycemia confirmed by a PG below 56 mg/dL (3.1 mmol/L) >Percentage of patients who reach the target of HbA1c < 6.5% and who do not experience documented symptomatic hypoglycemia confirmed by a PG below 70 mg/dL (3.9 mmol/L) >Evolution of Fasting Plasma Glucose Evolution of 7-point plasma glucose profiles - Evolution of weight - Hypoglycemia occurrence - Dose of insulins - Evolution of liver function - Overall safetyPhase:
Phase 4Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
InsulinInsulin Glargine
Insulin glulisine
Insulin, Globin Zinc
Inclusion criteria:- Type 2 diabetes diagnosed for more than 1 year
- Insulin naïve
- Treated with lifestyle interventions and oral antidiabetic drugs, at least metformin
at the maximum tolerated dose (with a minimum dose of 1g/day), for at least 3 months
- HbA1c ≥ 7.0 % and ≤ 10.5%
- Body mass index (BMI) ≤ 40 kg/m2
- Ability and willingness to perform plasma glucose (PG) monitoring using the
sponsor-provided glucose meter and to complete the patient diary
- Willingness and ability to comply with the study protocol
- Signed informed consent obtained prior any study procedure
Exclusion criteria:
- Treatment with glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) agonists in the 3 months prior to study
- Previous treatment with insulin (except for treatment of gestational diabetes or brief
treatment with insulin for less than 1 week)
- Diabetes other than type 2 diabetes (e.g. type 1 diabetes, diabetes secondary to
pancreatic disorders, drug or chemical agent intake)
- Pregnant or lactating women (women of childbearing potential must have a negative
pregnancy test at study entry and a medically approved contraception method)
- Hospitalized patient (except for routine diabetes check-up)
- Active proliferative retinopathy, as defined by a photocoagulation or vitrectomy
occurrence in the 6 months prior to study entry, or any other unstable (rapidly
progressing) retinopathy that may require photocoagulation or surgical treatment
during the study, documented by retina examination, in the 2 years prior to study
- History of sensitivity to the study drugs or to drugs with a similar chemical
- Impaired renal function: creatinine clearance < 60ml/min
- Impaired liver function (ALT, AST > 3 x upper limit of normal range)
- Severe gastro-intestinal disease
- Treatment with corticosteroids with potential systemic action within the 3 months
prior to study entry
- Likelihood of requiring treatments during the study which are not permitted
- Treatment with an investigational product in the 30 days prior to study entry
- Alcohol or drug abuse within the last 5 years
The above information is not intended to contain all considerations relevant to a patient's
potential participation in a clinical trial.