Integrilin and Ilomedin in Combination in Comparison to Standard Treatment in Severe Pneumonia Patients With Severe Sepsis
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
This is an investigator sponsored double-blinded, multinational, multi center, randomized (2:1 active:placebo), placebo-controlled, phase IIa trial in severe pneumonia patients with severe sepsis or septic shock, investigating the safety and efficacy of co-administration of Iloprost and escalating doses of Eptifibatide for continuous intravenous infusion in totally 36 patients.Phase:
Phase 2Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Thrombologic ApSCollaborators:
Anders PernerRigshospitalet, Denmark
Calcium heparinDalteparin
Heparin, Low-Molecular-Weight
Inclusion Criteria:1. At least 18 years of age AND
2. Suspected or proven bacterial pneumonia requiring administration of antibiotics:
- Clinical diagnosis of pneumonia, (i.e. new or increased cough, production of
purulent sputum or a change in the character of sputum in subjects who normally
have purulent sputum, typical auscultatory findings of pneumonia on chest
examination) and:
- chest radiograph or CT within the last 24 hr showing a pulmonary infiltrate.
3. Dyspnea and/or tachypnea (>20 breaths/minute) or mechanical ventilation
4. Two or more systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) criteria within the last 24
- Temperature /= 38˚C
- Heart rate >/= 90 beats per minute
- Mechanical ventilation for acute respiratory process or respiratory rate >/= 20
breaths per minute or PaC02 < 4.2 kPa
- WBC >/= 12,000/mm³ OR 10% bands
5. At least one organ failure beyond respiratory failure (cerebral, cardiovascular,
hepatic, renal or coagulation within the last 24 hours (> 2 in SOFA score for the
specific organ system) AND
6. Can be randomized into trial and dosed < 48 h after severe sepsis diagnosis AND
7. Consent is obtainable -
Exclusion Criteria:
1. Patient is pregnant or breast-feeding
2. Patient weigh more than 125 kg
3. Patients with known allergy towards any of the investigational products or
contraindications which should be excluded according to the investigational product
4. Investigators clinical decision deeming study participation not favourable for the
5. Patients in whom the clinician finds antithrombotic therapy contraindicated -
prophylaxis included
6. Patients at increased risk of bleeding: Surgery in the previous 12 h, expected surgery
within 72 h, epidural or spinal puncture in the previous 12 h, platelet count less
than 30,000/mm3 in the previous 24 h, INR above 2.0 in the previous 24 h, need of
blood products for bleeding in the previous 24 h, treatment with any antithrombotics
within 12 h (profylaxis excepted), current or previous intracranial bleeding or
traumatic brain or spinal injury within the last month.
7. Patients requiring any form of antithrombotics (beyond profylaxis) in therapeutic
doses or prothrombotics in any dose, including,
- unfractionated heparin within 8 hours before the infusion (prophylactic heparin
up to 15,000 U/day permitted).
- Low-molecular-weight heparin within 12 hours (prophylactic doses permitted).
- exceeded the upper limit of normal.
- Acetylsalicylic acid more than 650 mg/day within 3 days before the study.
- Thrombolytic therapy within 3 days before the study (catheter clearance doses
- Glycoprotein IIb-IIIa antagonists within 7 days before the study.
- Antithrombin III with dose greater than 10,000 U within 12 hours before the
- Protein C within 24 hours of the study.
8. Previous diagnosed condition that might mimic or complicate the course and evaluation
of the infectious disease process (severe bronchiectasis, lung abcess or empyema,
aspiration pneumonia, active tuberculosis, pulmonary malignancy, cystic fibrosis,
severe chronic interstitial pneumonia, COPD or other forms of chronic lung disease
requiring home oxygen treatment or resulting in chronic CO2 retention, , etc.)
9. Patient not expected to survive more than 30 days because of uncorrectable medical or
surgical condition other than sepsis
10. Patient with acute or chronic renal failure requiring dialysis (renal failure without
need for dialysis permitted).
11. Patient with hematological malignancies of any kind
12. Patients who have undergone transplantation of bone marrow, liver, pancreas, heart,
lung, or bowel (kidney transplant permitted)
13. Patient has known hypercoagulable condition:
APC resistance Hereditary protein C, protein S, or antithrombin III deficiency
Anticardiolipin or antiphospholipid antibody Lupus anticoagulant Homocysteinemia
Recent or highly suspected pulmonary embolism or deep venous thrombosis (within 3
14. Patients with known congenital hypocoagulable diseases
15. Patient with known AIDS
16. Patient with known primary pulmonary hypertension