Intensive Pharmacokinetics of the Nelfinavir-Rifabutin Interaction in Patients With HIV-Related Tuberculosis Treated With a Rifabutin-Based Regimen
Unknown status
Unknown status
Trial end date:
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The primary objective of this multi-center sub-study of USPHS Study 23: "Intensive Pharmacokinetic Study of Intermittent Rifabutin and Isoniazid with Daily Efavirenz in Combination with Two Nucleoside Analogs for Treatment of HIV and Tuberculosis Co-infections," is to compare the pharmacokinetics of rifabutin at 600 mg twice a week in combination with efavirenz 600 mg daily to the pharmacokinetics of rifabutin 300 mg twice a week without efavirenz. Secondary objectives are: (1) To describe pharmacokinetics of both rifabutin and efavirenz in combination regimen, (2) To evaluate the safety of concomitant efavirenz and rifabutin, (3) To assess the effect on absolute neutrophil count by changing rifabutin dose and adding efavirenz to the regimen, (4) To develop models of optimal sampling times for rifabutin dosed twice a week, (5) To describe the pharmacokinetics of isoniazid in combination with efavirenz daily with two NRTIs, (6) To compare the pharmacokinetics of isoniazid with and without efavirenz.Phase:
N/AAccepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
National Center for Research Resources (NCRR)Collaborator:
Centers for Disease Control and PreventionTreatments:
Inclusion criteria: Eligible subjects enrolled in Study 23 or HIV-infected patients withculture confirmed or suspected tuberculosis. Subjects must be currently receiving
tuberculosis therapy including twice weekly isoniazid and rifabutin and currently not
receiving antiretroviral therapy. Subjects must be willing to begin an antiretrovial
regimen containing efavirenz and two NRTIs (combinations defined by protocol) at the
requisite dosing. Exclusion criteria include hematocrit of less than 25%, pregnant or
lactating women, prior use of an NNRTI, or use of a protease inhibitor or select
medications defined in the protocol. Women of child-bearing potential must agree to
practice an adequate (barrier) method of birth control and submit to serum pregnancy
testing with 14 days of enrollment.