Intracavitary Cisplatin-Fibrin Localized Chemotherapy After P/D or EPP for Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
The aim is to introduce a new therapeutic method of intracavitary chemotherapy (cisplatin) combined with a fibrin carrier (Vivostat®) after pleurectomy/decortication or extrapleural pneumonectomy in a phase I and II study for Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma patients by evaluation of the safety in a dose-escalating model (phase I), and confirmation of safety and efficacy in phase II with the maximum tolerated dose in phase I.Phase:
Phase 1/Phase 2Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
University of ZurichCollaborators:
Swiss Accident Insurance Fund SUVA
Swiss National Science FoundationTreatments:
CisplatinLast Updated:
Inclusion criteria:- Patient is able to understand and willing to sign a written informed consent
- Male or female, age >=18 years
- ECOG performance status =<2
- Resectable MPM histologically confirmed (phase I: stage cT1-cT4 cN0-cN3 cM0-cM1 /
phase II: stage cT1-cT3 cN0-cN1 cM0)
- Only Phase II: Mediastinal staging (cytological or histological)
- Only Phase II: Induction chemotherapy (3 cycles cisplatin or carboplatin combined
with pemetrexed)
- Patient qualifying for pleurectomy/decortication (P/D) or extrapleural pneumonectomy
(EPP) for resection of MPM, which has to be assessed during a multidisciplinary tumor
board including a thoracic surgeon
- Patient must have appropriate organ and bone marrow function as defined: hematologic
function: hemoglobin ≥100 g/L, WBC ≥3.5 x G/L, neutrophils ≥1.5 x G/L, thrombocytes
≥100 x G/L; liver function: total bilirubin and LDH ≤1.5 ULN; AST, ALT, GGT, and AP
≤2.5 ULN; renal function: creatinine ≤130 μmol/L or, if greater, creatinine clearance
≥60 ml/min/1.73m2.
- Patient must have an appropriate blood coagulation for P/D or EPP (Quick-test > 50%,
aPTT within normal institutional limits, INR <=1.2)
- The patient agrees to use an efficient contraceptive treatment up to 3 months after
cisplatin application if required (pre-menopausal women and men in a sexually mature
- Heart and lung function allowing P/D under general anesthesia
Exclusion criteria:
- Known or suspected unwillingness of the patient to follow the rules of the protocol
- Patient who has not recovered from side effects from prior chemotherapy or
- Any known hypersensitivity against cisplatin or other platinum containing substances
or any other components used for the preparation of the drugs.
- Patient must not receive any other investigational agents 4 weeks before treatment
and until the end of the observation period (2 months after treatment).
- Patient with prior ipsilateral pleurectomy
- Only Phase II: Multimodality Prognostic Score (MMPS) > 2:
4 items with a maximum possible score of 4 if the patient presented all four
conditions and 0 if none were present: Tumor volume before induction chemotherapy >
500 ml, non-epithelioid histotype in the diagnostic biopsy before induction
chemotherapy, CRP value > 30 mg/l before induction chemotherapy, and progressive
disease after induction chemotherapy according to RECIST criteria
- Patient with uncontrolled intercurrent illnesses that would limit the operative
procedure of P/D / EPP or compliance with study requirements
- Tinnitus impairment of more than severity grade I (slight) evaluated by the tinnitus
questionnaire MiniTF12_CH, and/or restricted power of hearing until 4 kHz confirmed
by audiometry, unless age-related presbyacusis in a normal range confirmed by an
- Known alcohol and/or drug abuse at the time of screening
- Pregnant or lactating woman