Intranasal Ketorolac Tromethamine (Sprix) for Acute Pain of Interstitial Cystitis Flare of Pain
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
Intranasal Ketorolac tromethamine has a potential role as a short term pain management tool for Interstitial Cystitis without the risk and undesirable effects of narcotics.Phase:
Phase 4Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Citrus Valley Medical Research, Inc.Treatments:
KetorolacKetorolac Tromethamine
Inclusion Criteria:1. Female Subject must be between the age eighteen (18) years and sixty four (64)
2. Subject must weigh 110lbs (50kg) or greater
3. Willing and able to provide an informed consent
4. Diagnosed with Interstitial Cystitis/Painful Bladder Syndrome (IC/PBS)
5. Symptoms of IC/PBS that are moderate to severe (intermittent or chronic) for ≥ three
(3) months
6. A cystoscopic examination under anesthesia with hydro-distention and photo
documentation will have been performed at time of diagnosis with IC. Bladder biopsies
will have been performed only if carcinoma is suspected. (see exclusion # 5.2.25 -
hydrodistention must be performed greater than four (4) weeks prior to baseline visit)
Note: at investigator discretion subject may included with only operative report
7. At screening subject must have a score ≥ four (4) out of ten (10) On Visual Analogue
Pain Scale (VAS Pain Scale)
8. Subject must have a score on the O'Leary/Sant scale of at least a five (5) on the
symptom index at screening
9. Voids greater than eight (8) in a twenty four (24) hour period
10. Nocturia of at least one (1) time during sleeping period
11. Subject of child-bearing potential must test negative for pregnancy prior to treatment
or provide documentation for having undergone the following: hysterectomy or tubal
ligation. Subjects who are physiologically capable of becoming pregnant must
voluntarily sign a pregnancy waiver included within the informed consent and agree not
to become pregnant for the duration of the study and for thirty (30) days following
the completion of study. If a subject becomes pregnant during the course of this
study, the subject will inform the Principal Investigator within one (1) working day
of learning of the pregnancy
Exclusion Criteria:
1. Current treatment with or known allergy or sensitivity to all forms of ketorolac
tromethamine, aspirin, other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) NOTE: if at time of signing consent a subject
is receiving a non-steroidal inflammatory drug they may washout for seven days prior
to completing the screening visit
2. Subject is currently receiving or having had prior IC/PBS focused therapy on less than
three (3) months stable doses. i.e. oral Pentosan Polysulfate(PPS) (Elmiron®),
Amitriptyline (Elavil®), oxychlorosene (Clorpactin®), dimethyl sulfoxide (RIMSO 50™),
heparin or antihistamine NOTE: Antihistamine is allowable as added treatment during
course of study if for treatment of diagnosed nasal/seasonal/environmental allergy
(i.e treatment other than IC) , If a subject is receiving intravesical instillations
of any kind at least a two day washout must be adhered to before screening is
performed. The subject must abstain from any intravesical instillation during the
3. Current use of TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) or Interstim unit
4. Clinically significant urinary tract infection (UTI) NOTE: dipstick urinalysis is done
at screening urine culture will be performed if indicated by results of dipstick
urinalysis at screening
5. As needed Use of narcotics/opiate within one (1) week prior to the screening visit and
entire study participation by self-reporting (Note: once subject has qualified they
will be given the option of rescue medication for pain not relieved by the study
6. Use of illegal drugs by self-reporting
7. History of drug or alcohol abuse within five (5) years of screening visit
8. History of suicide attempt or suicidal thoughts by self-reporting within five (5)
years of screening visit
9. Any active co-morbid pelvic diagnosis (i.e. endometriosis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome,
etc.) for which the subject is unable to distinguish between IC/PBS pain and pain from
any other condition as determined by the investigator
10. A diagnosis of a severe neuro-psychiatric disease
11. Subject demonstrates an absence of nocturia
12. Subject's frequency of urination is equal to or less than eight (8) times in a twenty
four (24) hour period.
13. Subject's symptoms relieved by antimicrobials, urinary antiseptics, anticholinergics,
or antispasmodics.
14. Subject has recurrent bladder or lower urethral calculi (recurrent is defined as > to
3 times in a 12 month period)
15. Subject has active genital herpes with a (3) three month period of the screening visit
16. Subject has uterine, cervical, vaginal, or urethral cancer
17. Subject has been administered cyclophosphamide or any agent that causes chemical
18. Subject has tubercular cystitis
19. Subject has radiation cystitis
20. Subject has benign or malignant bladder tumor
21. Subject has a positive pathologic vaginal culture within three (3) months of the
screening visit
22. Subject has evidence of vesicle ureteral reflux or urethral diverticula
23. Subject has neurogenic bladder dysfunction
24. Subject has a prior urinary diversion
25. Subject who is currently receiving investigational drug(s) or participated in a
clinical trial involving investigational drug(s) within thirty (30) day of the
screening visit
26. Subject who is pregnant or lactating
27. Subject with history of hydro-distention within four (4) weeks of baseline visit
28. Subject with history of clinically significant cardiovascular disease such as:
(chronic stable angina being currently treated with long acting nitrates, chronic
stable angina require treatment with short acting nitrates with 90 days of visit 1,
angina occurring during sexual intercourse in the last six months, unstable angina
within six months of visit 1
29. Resting, sitting blood pressure (BP) > 160mm Hg in systolic pressure or > 100mm Hg is
diastolic pressure at screening. If a patient is found to have untreated significant
hypertension at screening and antihypertensive treatment is initiated, assessment for
study eligibility should be deferred until BP and antihypertensive medication have
been stable for at least one month. For patients with previously diagnosed
hypertension, antihypertensive medications must be stable for at least one month prior
to screening.
30. Subject over sixty four (64) years of age
31. Subject who weighs less than 110lbs (50kg)
32. Subject with history of any clinically significant blood chemistry, renal function or
liver abnormality defined as + two (2X) normal values
33. Subject who has history of a bleeding problem or low platelet count
34. Known or suspected cerebrovascular bleeding, hemorrhagic diathesis or incomplete
hemostasis, and those at high risk of bleeding, have history of a bleeding problem or
low platelet count or coagulation disorder or are on therapy that affects homeostasis
35. Active peptic ulcer disease, recent GI bleeding or perforation, or a history of peptic
ulcers or GI bleeding
36. History of asthma, urticaria or other allergic-type reaction after taking aspirin or
other non- steroidal inflammatory drugs (NASIDs)
37. Subject who has history of swelling of face, mouth, tongue, lips, gums, neck, or
throat (angioedema) or with cardiac decompensation or similar conditions
38. Major surgery scheduled within 3 weeks or screening and for entire participation of
39. Current exfoliative dermatitis, Stevens-Johnson syndrome or toxic epidermal necrolysis
40. Any condition in the opinion of the investigator that makes the subject unsuitable for