
Intraoperative Folate Targeted Fluorescence in Renal Cell Carcinoma

Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
Primary • To explore the use of OTL38 and fluorescence imaging to detect RCC in partial nephrectomy at the margins of resection, and in lymph node(s) or other metastases during radical nephrectomy.
Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Chandru Sundaram
Folic Acid
Inclusion criteria for localized RCC treated with partial nephrectomy

To be considered eligible to participate in this study, a patient must meet all the
inclusion criteria listed below:

- ≥ 18 years of age.

- Have primary or suspected diagnosis of RCC, with presence of cT1-2 renal mass by
diagnostic CT assessment.

- Scheduled for partial nephrectomy of renal mass.

- Expected survival of at least 3 months.

- Written informed consent available.

- ECOG ≤ 1 (Appendix G).

- Negative serum or urine pregnancy test within 24 hours for females of child bearing

- Recovered from toxicity of any prior therapy to ≥ grade 1.

Inclusion criteria for advanced RCC treated with radical nephrectomy

To be considered eligible to participate in this study, a patient must meet all the
inclusion criteria listed below:

- ≥ 18 years of age.

- Have pathologic or suspected diagnosis of RCC with presence of cT1-4 renal mass and
evidence of nodal or metastatic involvement by diagnostic CT assessment

- Scheduled for radical nephrectomy and lymph node dissection.

- Expected survival of at least 3 months.

- ECOG ≤ 2.

- Negative serum or urine pregnancy test within 24 hours for females of child bearing

- Recovered from toxicity of any prior therapy to ≥ grade 1

- Written informed consent available.

Exclusion criteria for both localized and advanced RCC

- History of any anaphylactic reaction, any severe allergy, or any allergy to folate.

- Brain metastases

- Baseline GFR < 50 mL/min/1.73m2)

- Hepatic toxicity ≥ Grade 2 (using CTCAE version 4 standard definitions).

- Participation in another investigational drug trial either concurrently or 30 days
prior to surgery

- Any medical condition that in the opinion of the investigators could potentially
jeopardize the safety of the patient, limit the patient's ability to complete the
study, and/or compromise the objectives of the study.

- Known sensitivity to fluorescent light