
Intravitreal Conbercept for Idiopathic Choroidal Neovascularization

Unknown status
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of intravitreal anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (anti-VEGF) therapy as primary treatment for ICNV.
Phase 2
Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Jiao Mingfei
Inclusion Criteria:

- Patient who give voluntary signed informed consent

- Patient affiliated with the Tianjin Medical University Eye Hospital or similar

- Patient with ICNV with active primary subfoveal, retrofoveal or juxtafoveal lesions
that affect the fovea as evidenced by angiography (fluorescein and/or indocyanin
green) and/or SD-OCT in the studied eye

- Patient willing, committed and able to return for all clinic visits and complete all
study-related procedures

Exclusion Criteria:

- Pregnant women

- Sexually active men or women of childbearing potential who are unwilling to practice
adequate contraception during the study

- Patient who is protected adults according to the terms of the law (French public
health laws)

- Involvement in another clinical trial (studied eye and/or the other eye)

- Patient with non-ICNV, especially:


- High myopia defined as refraction ≥ - 6 diopters

- Other curative treatment of ICNV in the studied eye during the last 3 months before
the first intravitreal injection: anti-VEGF therapy, juxta- or extra-foveal macular
laser, photodynamic therapy, surgery, external radiotherapy, transpupillary
thermotherapy ...

- Medical history of retrofoveal focal macular laser photocoagulation in the studied eye

- Subretinal haemorrhage reaching the fovea centre, with a size > 50% of the lesion area

- Fibrosis or retrofoveal retinal atrophy in the studied eye

- Retinal pigment epithelial tear reaching the macula in the studied eye

- Medical history of intravitreal medical device in the studied eye

- Medical history of auto-immune or idiopathic uveitis

- Proved diabetic retinopathy

- Intra-ocular pressure ≥ 25 mmHg despite two topical hypotonic treatments

- Aphakia or lack of lens capsule (not removed by YAG laser) in the studied eye

- Arterial hypertension that is not controlled by an appropriate treatment

- Previous or actual treatment with systemic administration of anti-VEGF therapy

- Known hypersensitivity to aflibercept, or another drug composite of the medicinal
product used; allergy to fluorescein, indocyanin green, anaesthetic eye drops

- Active or suspected ocular or peri-ocular infection

- Serious active intra-ocular inflammation in the studied eye

- Medical history of intra-ocular surgery within 28 days before the first injection in
the studied eye

- Any illness or ocular condition that would require an intra-ocular surgery in the
studied eye within 12 months after the inclusion

- Follow up not possible during 12 months