Late Chronic Phase Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
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Objectives: Primary endpoints: To achieve low levels of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) ratios of B-cell antigen receptor (Bcr-Abl)/Bcr (molecular CR) in a significant proportion of patients after 12 months of higher doses (800 mg daily) of Gleevec therapy To increase the proportion of patients achieving a complete cytogenetic response in patients with Ph-positive chronic phase CML using initial higher dose Gleevec therapy. Secondary endpoints: To evaluate the durations of PCR negativity, cytogenetic response, hematologic control, and survival. To analyze differences in response rates and in prognosis within different risk groups and patient characteristicsPhase:
Phase 2Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
M.D. Anderson Cancer CenterTreatments:
Imatinib MesylateCriteria
Inclusion Criteria:1. Patients age 15 years or older with a diagnosis of Ph-positive or Bcr-positive CML in
chronic phase CML. They should be in at least one of the categories below: A. Patients
must have received interferon alpha and: - Failed to achieve or lost a hematologic
complete remission(after 3 months of therapy with interferon), or - Failed to achieve
or lost a major cytogenetic remission, or - Failed to achieve or lost a complete
molecular remission (competitive quantitative PCR <0.05%), or - Were intolerant to
interferon B. Patients in late chronic phase (i.e., >/= 12 months from diagnosis) who
have not received treatment with interferon and: - Have high risk for toxicity with
IFN-A (e.g., age >/= 60 years), or - Refuse to use IFN-A
2. ECOG performance of 0-2.
3. Serum bilirubin less than 2mg%, serum creatinine less than 2mg%.
Exclusion Criteria:
1. - NYHA Class 3-4 heart disease; Pregnant or lactating females
2. Women of pregnancy potential must practice contraception
3. Patients in accelerated phase (except clonal evolution) or blastic phase are excluded.
- Patients with clonal evolution as their only criterion for accelerated phase are
4. Inclusion of women and minorities: As per NIH policy, women and members of minorities
will be included in this protocol as they are referred in the CML population.