Lisdexamphetamine vs Methylphenidate for Pediatric Patients With ADHD and Type 1 Diabetes
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This clinical trial aims to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of an intervention involving parental training in behaviour management and medication in children with both Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) and Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity (ADHD). ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects around 5% of school-age children and adolescents, while T1D is a chronic disease requiring strict management. After initial parental training provided for parents/legal guardians, the children will be randomized to one of two cross-over groups, and treated with either lisdexamfetamine or methylphenidate first. After dose optimization for first 5-7 weeks, patients will be treated for 6 months total, after which they will be switched to the other drug. Researchers will then compare the ADHD symptom severity as measured by Conners 3 questionnaire, and compare the frequency of any adverse events associated with the therapy. As secondary outcomes, patient's T1D control and quality of life will be compared between the two drugs.Phase:
Phase 2Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Medical University of LodzCollaborators:
Institute of Medical Sciences of the University of OpoleMedical University of Gdansk
Medical University of Silesia
Pediatric Center of the Central Clinical Hospital of the Medical University of Lodz
Lisdexamfetamine DimesylateMethylphenidate
Principal inclusion criteria:- Age 8-16.5 years at study entry;
- T1D diagnosed on the basis of clinical features, presence of autoantibodies typical
for type 1 diabetes (at least one of the following: anti-glutamate decarboxylase,
islet cell antibody, insulin autoantibody/islet antigen 2 autoantibody, zinc
transporter 8 antibody) and/or low C-peptide levels (according to the laboratory
standard appropriate for the assay method) and criteria for the diagnosis of diabetes
according to the criteria of the Polish Diabetes Association and international
- an incidental glycemia ≥200mg/dl and symptoms of hyperglycemia (such as increased
thirst, polyuria, weakness) or
- two times a fasting blood glucose ≥125mg/dl or
- a blood glucose ≥200mg/dL in the 120th minute of an oral glucose load test or
- HbA1c ≥6.5%.
- T1D diagnosed at least 12 months before recruitment;
- T1D treated with functional intensive insulin therapy
- a diagnosis of ADHD according to Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 5 (DSM-5) criteria
confirmed by a psychiatrist or a diagnosis of ADHD according to other criteria
recognized in Poland, confirmed by an authorized person as consistent with DSM-5
- Polish citizenship and Polish health insurance
Principal exclusion criteria:
- Daily insulin dose<0.3 j/kg and concomitant HbA1c measurement ≤6.5% from the last 3
months (clinical partial remission of T1D);
- Severely unsatisfactory glycemic control - mean HbA1c over the past year ≥12% (not
including HbA1c measurement at diagnosis of T1D);
- Diagnosed intellectual or other disability that prevents participation in the trial or
adherence to its therapeutic regimen;
- Clinically apparent cardiovascular disease: recognized hemodynamically significant
heart defect, advanced vascular atherosclerosis;
- Diagnosis of other mental illness or disorder preventing participation in the trial,
e.g. bipolar affective disorder, schizophrenia, other psychotic disorders,
psychoactive substance abuse;
- Diagnosed allergy or hypersensitivity to drugs used in pharmacological intervention
-methylphenidate and/or lisdexamphetamine;
- Language barrier making it impossible to conduct a full psychological consultation in
- Lack of permanent residence in Poland;
- Contraindications as reported for investigated drugs: documented hypertension (at
least stage 2), positive family history for sudden cardiac deaths and atrial
arrythmias in relatives below 40 y.o., clinically evident glaucoma or abnormally
elevated intraocular pressure, history of suicide attempts or present suicide
intentions, oppositional defiant disorder, chronic motor tics or Tourette syndrome,
pregnancy or breastfeeding, short stature, underweight (≤ 3rd percentile for reference
percentile charts), epilepsy, pheochromocytoma, substance abuse or positive drug test
results, prolonged treatment with sedative drugs (e.g., 1st generation
- Declared by the parents/legal guardians' inability or unwillingness to come to the
Center at the time specified by the protocol, in particular - to pick up the Trial
drugs at the dose adjustment stage (the need to pick up 4-5 times over 6-8 weeks, each
time within 2-3 days of receiving the recommendations);
- Other reasons that, in the opinion of the attending physician, are more likely to
result in difficulties in maintaining the continuity of the participant's
participation in the trial or harm to the participant's health in case of
participation in the trial.