Low-dose rhIL-2 in Patients With Recently-diagnosed Type 1 Diabetes
Active, not recruiting
Active, not recruiting
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
Type 1diabetes (T1D) is caused by autoimmune destruction of the pancreatic islet ß-cells, leading to an absolute deficiency in insulin. In health, regulatory T cells (Tregs) suppress immune responses against normal tissues, and likewise prevent autoimmune diseases. Tregs are insufficient in T1D. The investigators previously showed that administration of low doses of IL-2 induces selective expansion and activation of Tregs in mice and humans. The investigators hypothesize that Tregs expansion and activation with low doses of IL2 could block the ongoing autoimmune destruction of insulin producing cells in patients with recently diagnosed T1D.Phase:
Phase 2Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de ParisCollaborator:
Iltoo PharmaCriteria
Inclusion criteria- Age 6-35 years old.
- Male or female both using effective methods of contraception during treatment if
sexually active.
- Specifically; Females (if sexually active) with childbearing potential must use
contraceptive methods that are considered as highly-effective (pearl index < 1). The
following methods are acceptable: Oral , injectable, or implanted hormonal
contraceptives (with the exception of oral minipills ie low-dose gestagens which are
not acceptable (lynestrenol and norestisteron), Intrauterine device, Intrauterine
system (for example, progestin-releasing toit),
- beta HCG negative at inclusion;
- With type-1 diabetes:
- Newly diagnosed (ADA criteria, see annexe 19.6) at most three months between insulin
initiation and anticipated start of experimental treatment.
- Positive for one or more of the autoantibodies typically associated with T1D
(anti-islet, -insulin, -GAD, -IA2, -ZnT8)
- With a detectable peak C-peptide concentration during a standardised MMTT at Visit
MMTT (≥0.2pmol/ml);
- patients with a stable blood glucose level and seric glycaemia between 60 mg/dL and
250 mg/dL verified at MMTT visit
- Absence of clinically significant abnormal laboratory values (out of range and
associated with clinical symptoms or signs) in haematology, biochemistry, thyroid,
liver and kidney function;
- Normal cardiac function: no documented history of heart disease and absence of family
history of sudden death, normal ECG especially QTc duration within normal value
- Free, informed and written consent, signed by the patient and investigator before any
Study examination. If the patient is a minor by child and both parents or child and
the legal representative in case only one parent is alive. (Journal officiel des
communautés européennes (1.5.2001)
- NB: patient with history of thyroidism on treatment at the inclusion and with normal
thyroid hormone values (TSH+T4) can be included.
Exclusion criteria
- Children under the age of 6 years old cannot be included
- Patient who, before inclusion, have been treated with other anti-diabetic medication
than Insulin for more than 3 months consecutively
- Chronic adrenal insufficiency known or fasting ACTH ≥2.5 ULN normal at inclusion after
- Anti TPO present at inclusion and abnormal TSH and T4
- Anti-transglutaminase positive at inclusion
- Hypersensitivity to the active substance or to any of the excipients
- Any major health problem including: any major auto-immune/auto-inflammatory disease
(other than type 1 diabetes) present at inclusion, any significant respiratory disease
(such as moderate or severe COPD or asthma) requiring the chronic use of
corticosteroids (whatever route of administration) and serious digestive malfunctions.
- Patient with existing malignancy or history of malignancy
- Major psychosocial instability with expected lack of compliance with insulin
treatment, psychiatric pathology of patient or parents, or major problems of family
- Signs of active infection;
- Any patient with obesity defined as BMI ≥ 35
- Existence of a serious malfunction of a vital organ;
- History of organ allograft;
- Use of treatments not allowed in the Study (see Section 8.4.2);
- Vaccination with alive attenuated virus within 4 weeks of the first injection of the
induction period and during the whole maintenance period
- Pregnant female (confirmed by laboratory testing) or lactating
- Participation in another clinical trial in the previous 3 months;
- Lack of affiliation to a social security scheme (as a beneficiary or assignee).