Lymphocyte Depletion and Stem Cell Transplantation to Treat Severe Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
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This study will examine a new approach to treating patients with severe systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) that involves collecting stem cells (cells produced by the bone marrow that develop into blood cells) from the patient, completely shutting down the patient's immune system, and then giving back the patient's stem cells. SLE is a chronic, inflammatory disorder of the immune system that can affect many organs. It is called an autoimmune disease because the patient's lymphocytes (white blood cells that normally protect against invading organisms), go out of control and attack the body's own tissues. Patients between 15 and 40 years of age with severe SLE affecting a major organ that is resistant to standard treatment may be eligible for this study. Candidates are screened with a medical history and physical examination, blood and urine tests, skin tuberculin test, and radiology studies to evaluate the extent of disease. They have endocrinology, nutrition, dental, and social work consultations, ultrasound or MUGA (multi-gated acquisition scan) scan heart imaging, electrocardiogram and lung function tests, bone marrow biopsy, and lymph node aspirate. Depending on which organs are affected, patients may have additional tests, such as lumbar puncture (spinal tap), kidney or lung biopsy, MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) of the brain and spinal cord, and PET (positron emission tomography) scan. They also complete quality of life questionnaires and have disability functional testing and neurocognitive (thinking) assessments. Participants have a central venous line (plastic tube) inserted into a neck or chest vein for administering stem cells and medicines and for drawing blood. They undergo seven apheresis procedures during the course of the study to collect stem cells for transplant and for research. For apheresis, whole blood is collected through a needle in an arm vein and directed to a cell-separating machine where the white cells are extracted and the rest of the blood is returned to the patient through the same needle. Patients are primed with three medications (methylprednisolone, rituximab, and cyclophosphamide) through the central line to help control the disease. In addition, a medication called G-CSF (growth colony stimulating factor) is injected under the skin for several days to boost production of stem cells. After enough stem cells have been collected for transplantation (infusion through the central line), patients are admitted to the hospital for an 8-day conditioning regimen followed by transplantation. The conditioning treatment consists of rituximab, fludarabine, and cyclophosphamide to eliminate all the white blood cells from the blood and bone marrow. The stem cells are then infused and the patient is closely monitored by a team of physicians and nurses. When the stem cells have engrafted, the bone marrow has recovered, and the patient feels well enough - usually 2 to 3 weeks after transplant - the patient is discharged from the hospital. Prednisone tapering begins as soon as feasibly possible, but no later then 28 days after transplant. Patients return to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Clinical Center for frequent follow-up visits during the first 2 to 3 months following transplant. The time between visits is then extended to once every 3 months the first year, then every 6 months the second year, and then at least yearly for 5 years after the transplant. These visits include a physical examination, blood and urine tests, lumbar puncture (if there is central nervous system involvement), other appropriate biopsies and tests as needed to monitor the patient's health, short apheresis procedures to collect blood for research purposes, and quality of life questionnaires. Some select procedures will be optional. Bone marrow biopsies and lymph node aspirates are done at beginning and at 6, 12, and 24 months after transplant. PET scans are done at 1, 6, 12, and 24 months. ...Phase:
Phase 2Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
National Cancer Institute (NCI)Treatments:
Fludarabine phosphate
Methylprednisolone acetate
Methylprednisolone Hemisuccinate
Prednisolone acetate
Prednisolone hemisuccinate
Prednisolone phosphate
-INCLUSION CRITERIA1. Age 15-40 years
2. Must fulfill at least 4 of the following 11 criteria for systemic lupus erythematous
(SLE) as defined by the American College of Rheumatology:
-Malar rash. Fixed erythema, flat or raised, over the malar eminences, tending to
spare the nasolabial folds.
- Discoid rash. Erythematous raised patches with adherent keratotic scaling and
follicular plugging; atrophic scarring may occur in older lesions.
- Photosensitivity. Skin rash as a result of unusual reaction to sunlight, by
patient history or physician observation.
- Oral ulcers. Oral or nasopharyngeal ulcerations, usually painless, observed by a
- Arthritis. Nonerosive arthritis involving two or more peripheral joints,
characterized by tenderness, swelling, or effusion.
- Serositis. a.) Pleuritis - convincing history of pleuritic pain or rub heard by a
physician or evidence of pleural effusion
b.) Pericarditis - documented by electrocardiogram (ECG) or rub or evidence of
pericardial effusion
-Renal disorder. a.) Persistent proteinuria greater than 0.5 grams per day or greater
than 3+ if quantitation not performed
b.) Cellular casts - may be red cell, hemoglobin, granular, tubular, or mixed.
- Neurologic disorder. a.) Seizures - in the absence of offending drugs or known
metabolic derangements; eg, uremia, ketoacidosis, or electrolyte imbalance
b.) Psychosis - in the absence of offending drugs or known metabolic derangements; eg,
uremia, ketoacidosis, or electrolyte imbalance
-Hematologic disorder. a.) Hemolytic anemia - with reticulocytosis
b.) Leukopenia - less than 4000/ L total on two or more occasions
c.) Lymphopenia - less than 1500/ L on two or more occasions
d.) Thrombocytopenia - less than 100,000/ L in the absence of offending drugs
- Immunologic disorder. a.) Anti-deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA): antibody to native
DNA in abnormal titer
b.) Anti-SM: presence of antibody to SM nuclear antigen
c.) Positive finding of antiphospholipid antibodies based on (1) an abnormal serum
level of immunoglobulin G (IgG) or immunoglobulin M (IgM) anti-cardiolipin antibodies,
(2) a positive test result for lupus anticoagulant using a standard method, or (3)
false positive serologic test for syphilis known to be positive for at least 6 months
and confirmed by Treponema Pallidum immobilization or fluorescent treponemal antibody
absorption test
-Antinuclear antibodies. An abnormal titer of ANAs by immunofluorescence or an
equivalent assay at any point in time in the absence of drugs known to be associated
with drug-induced lupus syndrome.
3. Have severe and active lupus, refractory to immunosuppressive therapy, defined as one
of the following (a-d):
a.Nephritis: Biopsy proven Diffuse Proliferative Glomerulonephritis (World Health
Organization (WHO) Class IV) with or without superimposed membranous changes
i.Active disease:
1. A kidney biopsy within three months of enrollment showing active WHO Class IV disease.
Activity will be determined based on the presence of endocapillary cellular
proliferation compromising the capillary loops or cellular crescents or necrosis on
light microscopy or subendothelial deposits on electron microscopy.
2. If a biopsy is contraindicated patients can be enrolled if they had a previous biopsy
showing Diffuse Proliferative Glomerulonephritis (WHO Class IV) and at the time of
enrollment have all of the following:
1. Proteinuria greater than 1gm/day
2. Active urine sediment defined as hematuria (greater than 10 red blood cell
(RBC)/hpf (high power field) on a nephrology urinalysis of a 50 mL urine sample)
with dysmorphic RBC and/or cellular casts on a nephrology urinalysis of a 50 mL
urine sample
3. Low C3 (less than 69 mg/dL) and/or elevated dsDNA antibodies (greater than 25EU)
3. Need for prednisone greater than 20 mg/day due to increased renal activity after at
least 6 months of cyclophosphamide.
ii. Treatment resistant:
1. Patients with active disease after at least 6 months of intravenous pulse
cyclophosphamide +/- iv methylprednisolone and daily oral prednisone, or
2. Early flare: those who have reactivation of their nephritis during or within 6 months
of completing cyclophosphamide therapy
3. Recalcitrant disease: two or more recurrences of lupus nephritis within five years of
enrollment. All flares must have received adequate therapy and least one of the
episodes must have been treated with minimum 6 months of intravenous pulse
cyclophosphamide plus iv methylprednisolone and maintenance oral prednisone.
Central nervous system (CNS) lupus: Lupus CNS manifestations indicative of
encephalitis or myelitis or vasculitis. Concomitant CNS diseases should be excluded.
(e.g. infections, multiple sclerosis; patients fulfilling multiple sclerosis (MS) and
SLE criteria will be excluded). Clinical signs and symptoms must be supported by
objective findings of CNS inflammation.
i. Active disease:
Signs/symptoms that are accepted for disease activity:
-Clinical signs and symptoms compatible with focal CNS damage -Severe global
neurocognitive/psychiatric impairment (eg: psychosis, organic brain syndrome, severe
-Intractable seizures
Clinical findings must be supported by at least one of the following:
1. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings consistent with transverse myelitis or
Central nervous system (CNS) vasculitis
- Signs of inflammation on MRI are either the presence of Gadolinium
(Gd)-enhancing lesions, or the increase of the number and/or volume of
T2-weighted lesions (or lesions showing up on fluid attenuated inversion recovery
(FLAIR) imaging). We will use the standard MS protocol sequences, which are
routinely used in the Clinical Center to evaluate inflammatory CNS lesions.
2. If patient has seizures/psychiatric signs and symptoms in the absence of clear
signs of vasculitis or cerebritis by MRI, the cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) should
show protein elevation above normal levels and abnormal number of white blood
cells (WBCs) or intrathecal IgG synthesis/or oligoclonal bands.
3. Need for prednisone greater than 20 mg/day due to increased CNS activity (see
above) after at least three months of cyclophosphamide therapy.
ii-Treatment resistant:
a) Active disease after a minimum of three months of oral or intravenous
cyclophosphamide, or
b) Early flare: reactivation of CNS lupus within 6 months of completing
cyclophosphamide therapy
c. Recalcitrant disease: two or more recurrences of CNS lupus within five years of
enrollment. All flares must have received adequate therapy and at least one of the
episodes must have been treated with minimum three months of oral or intravenous
Pulmonary lupus
i. Active disease:
1. Lung biopsy showing active pneumonitis, alveolitis or pulmonary vasculitis after
the minimally required therapy within one month of enrollment or
2. If a biopsy is contraindicated within one month of enrollment, patients may be
included if they had a biopsy at the start or during cyclophosphamide treatment
showing active pneumonitis, alveolitis or pulmonary vasculitis (as above) and
have abnormal or worsening pulmonary function tests with a chest computed
tomography (CT) consistent with active pneumonitis, alveolitis or vasculitis
within 2 weeks of enrollment and at the time of enrollment have a CT consistent
with active disease.
3. Need for prednisone greater than 20 mg/day due to increased pulmonary lupus
activity after minimum of three months of cyclophosphamide.
ii. Treatment resistant:
4. Ongoing or recurrent active pulmonary lupus after a minimum of three months of
oral or intravenous cyclophosphamide, or
5. Early flare: reactivation of pulmonary lupus (as defined above) within 6 months
of completing cyclophosphamide therapy.
6. Recalcitrant disease: two or more recurrences of pulmonary as described above
within five years of enrollment. All flares must have received adequate therapy
and at least one of the episodes must have been treated with minimum 3 months of
oral or intravenous cyclophosphamide.
i) Active disease:
a) Severe immune-mediated thrombocytopenia (platelet count less than 20,000/mm^3 or
less than 50,000/mm^3 with history of bleeding), or
b) Severe immune-mediated anemia (requiring transfusions to maintain hemoglobin (Hb)
greater than 8.0 g/dL or to treat symptoms of anemia) c) Need for prednisone greater
than 20 mg/day due to increased hematologic lupus activity after therapy as described
in section ii.a).
ii) Treatment resistant:
a) Active disease as defined above after a minimum of three months of high dose oral
or pulse corticosteroids +/- intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) (or WinRho) and
splenectomy, or
b) Early flare: reactivation of hematologic lupus (as defined above) within 6 months
of completing above therapy.
c) Recalcitrant disease: two or more recurrences of immune-mediated thrombocytopenia
or anemia, as described above, within five years of enrollment. All flares must have
received adequate therapy and at least one of the episodes must have been treated by
1. Inability to provide written informed consent prior to entry in the protocol
2. Pregnant or lactating women. Women of childbearing potential are required to have a
negative pregnancy test at screening
3. Women of childbearing potential who are not practicing or who are unwilling to practice
birth control during the entire study
4. Men who are unwilling to practice birth control for the first 6 months after the
5. Evidence of infection with hepatitis B, hepatitis C, or human immunodeficiency virus
6. History of malignancy other than basal cell carcinoma of the skin
7. Carbon monoxide diffusing capacity (DLCO) corrected less than 45%
8. Left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) less than 45%, determined by ECHO cardiogram
9. Serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (SGOT) or serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase
(SGPT) greater than 2x upper limit of normal (unless active myopathy is proven by elevation
of serum aldolase levels and the patient has no obvious hepatic disease) and/or bilirubin
greater than 2.0 (unless due to isolated hemolysis).
10. Calculated glomerular filtration rate less than 30 ml/min using the modification of
diet in renal disease (MDRD) equation estimate:
Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) (ml/min/173 m^2) =186.3 x (Pcr) exponential -1.154 x (age)
exponential -0.203 x 1.212 (if black) x 0.742 (if female)
11. Late flare (patients who have target organ flare, that is not within the time frame
defined as early flare, will not be considered as treatment failures until they receive the
minimally required therapy for this flare episode and fail to respond to it)
12. Abnormal bone marrow cytogenetics
13. Significant concurrent medical condition or any significant circumstance that could
affect the patient's ability to tolerate or complete the study
14. Live vaccines within 4 weeks of starting the priming regimen