MENOPUR in Gonadotrophin-releasing Hormone (GnRH) Antagonist Cycles With Single Embryo Transfer
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
The main purpose of this clinical research trial was to compare the ongoing pregnancy rate between two gonadotrophins for controlled ovarian stimulation (MENOPUR and recombinant follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)), in cycles where a gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) antagonist was used for prevention of premature luteinizing hormone (LH) surge and where a single embryo was transferred at the blastocyst stage.Phase:
Phase 3Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Ferring PharmaceuticalsTreatments:
Inclusion criteria:- Informed Consent Documents signed prior to screening evaluations
- In good physical and mental health
- Pre-menopausal females 21-34 years of age
- Body mass index (BMI)18-25 kg/m2
- Eligible for intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)
- Unexplained infertility or partner with mild male factor infertility
- Infertility for at least 12 months before randomization
- Regular menstrual cycles of 24-35 days, presumed to be ovulatory
- Hysterosalpingography, hysteroscopy, or transvaginal ultrasound documenting a uterus
consistent with expected normal function
- Transvaginal ultrasound documenting expected normal function of the ovaries
- Early follicular phase serum levels of FSH between 1 and 12 IU/L
- Early follicular phase total antral follicle (diameter 2-10 mm) count ≥ 10 for both
ovaries combined
- Willing to accept transfer of one blastocyst in the fresh cycle
- Willing to undergo frozen embryo replacement cycles with transfer of one blastocyst
per cycle within the first year after randomisation
Exclusion criteria:
- Known polycystic ovarian syndrome or known endometriosis stage I-IV
- Diagnosed as "poor responder" in a previous controlled ovarian stimulation (COS) cycle
- Severe ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS)in a previous COS cycle
- History of recurrent miscarriage
- Current or past (12 months prior to randomization) abuse of alcohol or drugs, and/or
current (last month) intake of more than 14 units of alcohol per week
- Current or past smoking habit of more than 10 cigarettes per day
- Hypersensitivity to any active ingredient or excipients in the medicinal products used
in the trial
- Hypersensitivity to gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) or any other GnRH analogue
- Previous participation in the trial
- Use of any non registered investigational drugs during 3 months before randomization