MM-398 (Nanoliposomal Irinotecan, Nal-IRI) to Determine Tumor Drug Levels and to Evaluate the Feasibility of Ferumoxytol Magnetic Resonance Imaging to Measure Tumor Associated Macrophages and to Predict Patient Response to Treatment
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
This is a Phase I study to understand the biodistribution of MM-398 and to determine the feasibility of using Ferumoxytol as a tumor imaging agent.Phase:
Phase 1Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
IpsenMerrimack Pharmaceuticals
CamptothecinFerrosoferric Oxide
Inclusion Criteria:All subjects:
- Pathologically confirmed diagnosis of solid tumors
- Metastatic disease
- Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) Performance Status 0 to 1
- Adequate bone marrow, hepatic and renal function
- Normal Electrocardiogram (ECG)
- 18 years of age or above
- Able to understand and sign informed consent
Pilot study only:
- CRC, TNBC, ER/PR Breast Cancer, NSCLC, Pancreatic Cancer, Ovarian Cancer, Gastric Cancer,
Gastroesophageal Junction (GEJ) adenocarcinoma, Head and Neck Cancer
Expansion Phase Additional Criteria:
- Locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer
- Received at least one cytotoxic therapy in the locally advanced and metastatic setting
- Received ≤ 5 prior lines of chemotherapy in the metastatic setting
- Candidate for chemotherapy
Expansion Phase Cohort 3 additional inclusion criteria:
- Breast cancer with active brain metastasis
- Neurologically stable
Exclusion Criteria:
- Active Central nervous system (CNS) metastasis (applies to pilot phase and expansion
phase cohort 1 and 2 only)
- Clinically significant GI disorders
- Prior irinotecan or bevacizumab therapy within last 6 months and for Expansion Phase
patients, have received any prior treatment with Topol inhibitor
- Known hypersensitivity to MM-398 or ferumoxytol
- Inability to undergo MRI
- Active infection
- Pregnant or breast feeding
- Prior chemotherapy administered within 3 weeks, or within a time interval less than at
least 5 half-lives of the agent, whichever is longer, prior to the first scheduled day
of dosing in this study
- Received radiation therapy in the last 14 days
- Treated with parenteral iron in the previous 4 weeks