Methotrexate, Mannitol, Rituximab, and Carboplatin in Treating Patients With Newly Diagnosed Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma
Active, not recruiting
Active, not recruiting
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
This phase I/II trial studies the side effects of methotrexate, mannitol, rituximab, and carboplatin and to see how well they work in treating patients with primary central nervous system lymphoma. Drugs used in chemotherapy, such as methotrexate and carboplatin, work in different ways to stop the growth of cancer cells, either by killing the cells, by stopping them from dividing, or by stopping them from spreading. Osmotic blood-brain barrier disruption uses mannitol to open the blood vessels around the brain and allow cancer-killing substances to be carried directly to the brain. Monoclonal antibodies, such as rituximab, may block cancer growth in different ways by targeting certain cells. Giving methotrexate, mannitol, rituximab, and carboplatin together may be an effective treatment for primary central nervous system lymphoma.Phase:
Phase 1/Phase 2Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
OHSU Knight Cancer InstituteCollaborators:
National Cancer Institute (NCI)Oregon Health and Science University
AntibodiesAntibodies, Monoclonal
Antineoplastic Agents, Immunological
Sodium thiosulfate
Inclusion Criteria:- Subjects with histopathologic confirmation of intermediate or high-grade primary
central nervous system lymphoma (PCNSL) as documented by brain biopsy, or cytology
(analysis from cerebral spinal fluid [CSF] or vitrectomy), and cluster of
differentiation 20 (CD20) positive; whenever possible, the tumor should be
characterized by immunophenotype
- Subjects must be =< 90 days from diagnosis of PCNSL in the brain or spine; time from
pathologic diagnosis to initiation of treatment should be specified; subjects with
history of only ocular lymphoma are eligible if < 90 days since documented brain
parenchymal disease (by imaging or by biopsy)
- Subjects must have an Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) performance score =< 3
(Karnofsky >= 30)
- Hematocrit >= 25% (may be reached by transfusion) (performed within 14 days of
- White blood cell count >= 2.5 x 10^3/mm^3 (performed within 14 days of registration)
- Absolute granulocyte count >= 1.2 x 10^3/mm^3 (performed within 14 days of
- Platelets >= 100 x 10^3/mm^3 (or >= lower limit of institutional normal value)
(performed within 14 days of registration)
- Calculated creatinine clearance (Cr Cl) >= 50 ml/min (performed within 14 days of
registration); eligible for full dose methotrexate
- Calculated Cr Cl >= 30 ml/min (performed within 14 days of registration); eligible for
reduced dose methotrexate
- Bilirubin =< 2.0 x upper limit of institutional normal value (performed within 14 days
of registration)
- The subject may have had other systemic chemotherapy for PCNSL during the 90 days
since PCNSL diagnosis; prior systemic chemotherapy must have been given at least 4
weeks prior to study entry (6 weeks for nitrosourea agents), with the exceptions of
methotrexate and rituximab which may have been given at least 10 days prior; ocular
lymphoma treatment may have been given any time prior to study entry; if the subject
has undergone treatment for parenchymal disease and the parenchymal disease has
progressed on a stable or increasing dose of steroids, the subject is not eligible for
- Sexually active women of child-bearing potential and men must agree to use adequate
contraception (hormonal or barrier method of birth control; abstinence) prior to study
treatment and for the duration of study treatment; should a woman become pregnant or
suspect she is pregnant while participating in this study, she should inform her
treating physician immediately
- Subjects with a bone marrow biopsy which shows microscopic, low-level involvement of
lymphoma are eligible
- Subject with seropositivity for hepatitis B or hepatitis C must be cleared by
hepatology service prior to participating in treatment protocol
Exclusion Criteria:
- Prior cranial or spinal radiotherapy
- Subjects with radiographic signs of excessive intra-cranial mass effect with
associated rapid neurologic deterioration, and/or spinal block, are unsafe to undergo
BBBD chemotherapy and are not eligible
- Uncontrolled (over the last 30 days), clinically significant confounding medical
- Seropositivity for the human immunodeficiency virus
- Systemic lymphoma
- Subjects who have a positive serum human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), are pregnant or
lactating are ineligible
- Known allergy to any of the study agents
- Subjects who are at significant risk for general anesthesia