Neoadjuvant Sasanlimab With Radiation as an in Situ Vaccine for Cisplatin-ineligible Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer
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This is a prospective, single-institution, single-arm, phase II clinical trial that tests a novel strategy of neoadjuvant Sasanlimab, an immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICI), in combination with stereotactic body radiation therapy as an in-situ vaccination in patients, who are ineligible to receive cisplatin-based chemotherapy and undergoing radical cystectomy for muscle-invasive bladder cancer.Phase:
Phase 2Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
The Methodist Hospital Research InstituteCollaborator:
Immune Checkpoint InhibitorsCriteria
Inclusion Criteria:1. Capable of giving signed informed consent
2. Age ≥ 18 years
3. ECOG Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status 0-2
4. Predominant (>50%) urothelial carcinoma histology
5. Muscle-invasive bladder cancer (cT2-4a, cN0, cM0)
6. Decline/refuse OR Ineligible to receive cisplatin-based Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy due
to at least one of the following criteria:
a. Creatinine clearance less than 60 mL/min b. Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group
performance status of ≥ 2 c. Grade ≥ 2 hearing loss d. Grade ≥ 2 neuropathy
7. Adequate Bone Marrow Function (without hematopoietic growth factor support within 14
days prior to study screening), defined as:
a. Absolute neutrophil count (ANC) ≥1,500/mm3 or ≥1.5 x 109/L b. Platelets
≥100,000/mm3 or 100 x 109/L c. Hemoglobin ≥9 g/dL (≥5.6 mmol/L)
8. Adequate renal function defined by an estimated creatinine clearance ≥30 mL/min
according to the Cockcroft Gault formula or by 24-hour urine collection for creatinine
9. Adequate liver function, including:
a. Aspartate and alanine aminotransferase (AST and ALT) ≤ 2.5 × the upper normal limit
range (ULN) b. Total serum bilirubin ≤ 1.5 x ULN
10. Able to give informed consent and patient is willing and able to comply with scheduled
study visits and treatment plan
11. Willing and able to comply with scheduled visits, treatment plan, laboratory tests,
and other procedures.
12. Meeting the following criteria for sex specific considerations:
1. Males - for the duration of study and for at least 6 months after the last dose of
study drug (Sasanlimab):
1. Refrain from donating sperm and be abstinent from intercourse OR Agree to use
male condom and also consider the benefit for a female partner to use a highly
effective method of contraception as a condom may break or leak when having
sexual intercourse with a woman of childbearing potential (WOCBP) who is not
currently pregnant
2. Females:
a) Eligible to participate if not pregnant or breast feeding AND Is not a woman of
childbearing potential (WOCBP) OR Is a WOCBP and is using a contraceptive method that
is highly effective (failure rate of < 1% per year), with low user dependency during
the during the study treatment and for at least 6 months after the last dose of study
drug (Sasanlimab) b) A WOCBP must have a negative, highly sensitive (at least 25
IU/mL) pregnancy test by urine or serum testing within 24 hours before the first dose
of study drug (Sasanlimab). In cases where the urine test cannot be confirmed to be
negative, a serum pregnancy test will be used.
Exclusion Criteria:
1. Lymphadenopathy (>1cm short-axis measurement on CT/MRI Imaging or biopsy proven)
2. Metastatic disease
3. Prior systemic chemotherapy for bladder cancer (however, may have had intra-vesical
chemotherapy such as gemcitabine, docetaxel or mitomycin-C)
4. Prior treatment with systemic anti-cancer investigational agent
5. Other malignancy within 2 years prior to study screening, or active malignancy except
for adequately treated basal cell or squamous cell skin cancer, or carcinoma in situ
of the breast or of the cervix, or low-grade (Gleason 6 or below) prostate cancer on
surveillance without any plans for treatment intervention (e.g., surgery, radiation,
or castration) or other concurrent malignancy felt by the investigator has a very low
likelihood to become metastatic
6. Previous radiation therapy to the bladder
7. Active or history of autoimmune disease which may deteriorate when receiving immune
checkpoint blockade.
1. These autoimmune conditions include but are not limited to limited to, myasthenia
gravis, myositis, autoimmune hepatitis, systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid
arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, antiphospholipid antibody syndrome,
Wegener granulomatosis, Sjögren syndrome, Guillain-Barré syndrome, or multiple
2. Participants with diabetes type I, vitiligo, psoriasis, or hypo or hyperthyroid
disease not requiring immunosuppressive treatment are eligible.
8. Severe active infections (e.g., pulmonary tuberculosis) requiring systemic therapeutic
oral or IV antibiotics within 2 weeks prior to study entry.
9. Clinically significant, multiple or severe drug allergies, intolerance to topical
10. Current unstable liver or biliary disease, defined by the presence of ascites,
encephalopathy, coagulopathy, hypoalbuminemia, esophageal or gastric varices,
persistent jaundice, or cirrhosis.
- NOTE: Stable chronic liver disease (including Gilbert's syndrome, asymptomatic
gallstones, and chronic stable hepatitis B or C -e.g., presence of hepatitis B
surface antigen [HBsAg] or positive hepatitis C antibody test result at
screening) is acceptable.
11. Active, uncontrolled HIV/AIDS infection (well-controlled HIV patients may be allowed).
12. Prior immunotherapy with anti PD-1, anti PD-L1, anti PD-L2, or anti cytotoxic T-
lymphocyte-associated antigen-4 (CTLA-4) antibody. Note: prior intra-vesical BCG
therapy is acceptable.
13. Prior treatment with immune-stimulatory agents including interleukin (IL)-2, IL-15,
interferon (INF)- γ.
14. Vaccination within 4 weeks from study screening and while on study treatment unless
administration of inactivated vaccines.
15. Patients with a condition requiring systemic treatment with either corticosteroids
(>10 mg daily prednisone equivalents) or other immunosuppressive medications within 14
days of study drug administration. Inhaled or topical steroids, and adrenal
replacement doses >10 mg daily prednisone equivalents are permitted in the absence of
active autoimmune disease.
16. Clinically significant (active) cardiovascular disease including the following:
cerebral vascular accident/stroke <6 months prior to screening; myocardial infarction
<6 months prior to screening; unstable angina; congestive heart failure (≥New York
Heart Association Classification Class III); or serious cardiac arrhythmia
(uncontrolled, clinically significant) requiring medication.
17. Q-T interval corrected for heart rate (QTc) >450 msec for male participants or QTc
>470 msec for female participants or QTc >480 msec in participants with right bundle
branch block
18. Prior organ transplantation or allogenic stem cell transplantation.
19. Known history of: immune-mediated colitis, inflammatory bowel disease, pneumonitis, or
pulmonary fibrosis.
20. Patients with intolerance to or who have had a severe (Grade ≥3) allergic or
anaphylactic reaction to antibodies or infused therapeutic proteins
21. Pregnant female patients; breastfeeding female patients; male patients able to father
children and female patients of childbearing potential who are unwilling or unable to
use a highly effective method(s) of contraception as outlined in this protocol for at
least 6 months after the last dose of Sasanlimab (PF-06801591)