
Ocrelizumab or Alemtuzumab Compared With Autologous Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation in Multiple Sclerosis - a Phase-2 Randomised Controlled Trial

Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
A multicentre controlled phase II trial to compare the efficacy and safety of ocrelizumab or alemtuzumab and autologous Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (aHSCT). Active relapsing-remitting MS-Patients will be included and randomised to ocrelizumab or alemtuzumab versus aHSCT. Primary endpoint will be the time to treatment failure as assessed by failure of NEDA (no evidence of disease activity) as represented by: no expanded disability status scale (EDSS) progression, no relapse, no new T2 lesion and no Gd-enhancing lesion. This trial offers the opportunity to gain further information about efficacy and safety of all treatments and will give new insights into the immunology of highly active RRMS.
Phase 2
Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf
Clinical Trial Center North (CTC North GmbH & Co. KG)
Neovii Biotech
Inclusion Criteria (Based on CARE-MS-II3, guidelines and Rio-criteria for treatment

- Written informed consent and agreement to comply to study protocol

- Age: 18-55 years

- EDSS: 0.0 - 6.0

- RRMS according to McDonald 2010

- < 10 years of disease course after symptom onset

- Active disease with one of the following treatment failures occur-ring not earlier
than 6 months after initiation of an approved DMT

- 2 or more relapses within the last 12 months


- 1 relapse within the last 12 months and a Gd-enhancing lesion on MRI > 3 mm > 3 months
before or after relapse onset or 2 new T2-lesions


- On-going signs of MRI activity in the last 6 months (either Gd-en-hancing of ≥ 3 mm
lesion at any exam in the last year; or more than 5 new T2 lesions (≥ 3 mm)


- Patients stable under natalizumab but who have to stop treatment due to an increasing
PML risk are defined as active, if a MRI within 6 months after termination of
natalizumab shows new T2 or Gd-enhancing lesions and at least one other treatment
fail-ure prior to natalizumab is documented.

Exclusion Criteria:

- Secondary or primary progressive MS

- Pregnancy, or other medical condition incompatible with aHSCT

- Any treatment or medical condition that, according to the haematologist / transplant
specialist precludes the use of aHSCT

- John Cunningham virus (JCV) antibody index of > 1.5 in previ-ously natalizumab-treated
patients, if a negative CSF JCV-PCR prior to screening is not available

- Relapse during 30 days before initiation of treatment. If a relapse occurs during this
period and eligibility criteria are otherwise ful-filled, start of treatment will be
delayed until at least 30 days after receiving steroids.

- Concurrent clinically significant (as determined by the investiga-tors and
haematologist / transplant specialist) cardiac, immuno-logical, pulmonary,
neurological, renal or other major disease such as:

- Prominent cardial disease (Left ventricular ejection frac-tion (LVEF) < 40%,
myocardial infarction or ischemia, un-controlled arrhythmias, pericardial
effusion > 1 cm)

- Cerebrovascular disease

- Renal disease (creatinine clearance < 30 ml/min/m2)

- Respiratory disease (DLCO < 40% predicted)

- Active bleeding or clotting disease

- History of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or posi-tive HIV antibody testing

- Any uncontrolled acute or chronic infection, including HIV, hepatitis B surface
antigen positivity and hepatitis C PCR positivity

- Cancer except in situ cervix or cutaneous

- Unwillingness or inability to comply with the requirements of this protocol including
the presence of any condition (physical, men-tal, or social) that is likely to affect
the patient returning for follow-up visits on schedule. Unwillingness to use

- Previous participation in this study, previous treatment with aHSCT or already both

- Ongoing immunotherapy. Treatment with interferon or glati-rameracetate will need no
wash-out. Treatment pause before oc-relizumab/alemtuzumab or aHSCT will be:

- for dimethylfumarate and fingolimod: 8 weeks

- for natalizumab: 8 weeks

- for ocrelizumab: 12 weeks

- for alemtuzumab: 12 months

- for teriflunomide: 4 weeks after elimination with cholesty-ramine

- for cladribine: 24 weeks

- Patients with cognitive impairments who are unable to provide written, informed
consent prior to any testing under this protocol, including screening and baseline
investigations that are not con-sidered part of routine patient care.