Oral dIuretics in Very Intensive Treatment, an Early Intervention in Outpatients With Heart Failure
Unknown status
Unknown status
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
In the present study, consecutive patients, older than 18 years, of both genders will be included. The diagnosis of reduced Heart Failure (HfrEF) according to: Clinical pattern, laboratories and Cardiac imaging (ESC criteria). Treatment will be assigned in two groups: Bumetanide and another group will be received Indapamide. Each group received maximum tolerated dose for seven days with Clinical and labs evaluations will be every 48 hrs. (Face-to-face and/or telephone visits). Serum and urinary labs, EKG´s, Echo will be evaluated. Daily in-home register will made. Final points were: Mortality, Urinary failure, Clinical Impairment, Hospital admissions, Oedema. (MUCHO). All patients will be followed for 30 days.Phase:
Phase 4Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Centro en Insuficiencia Cardiaca, MexicoTreatments:
Inclusion Criteria:- 1. Older over 18 year 2. Both gender. 3. Patients are able to read, write and
understand. 4.-Heart failure criteria:a) Clinical signs and symptoms b) serum
NTP-proBNP: over 125pg/ml. or serum bnp: over: 35pg/ml. c) Left ventricular ejection
fraction under 40% ( By any image study: echocardiogram, Tomography , MRI,Nuclear
medicine.) 5. Commitment to participate in the follow-up of the present study.
Exclusion Criteria:
1. Pregnant or lactating women.
2. Patients with deterioration of their clinical condition that warrant rapid attention
by the emergency department.
3. Patients with symptomatic hypotension by arterial pressure over; 90/50 mmHg.
4. Symptomatic heart rate disorders: tachycardia greater than 120 beats per minute or
bradycardia less than 50 beats per minute.
5. Patients with respiratory impairment: by tachypnea (respiratory rate greater than 22
per min), peripheral oxygen saturation less than 90%.
6. Clinical signs or by methods of pleural effusion image that compromise the ventilatory
7. Hormonal thyroid decontrol (thyroid hormone profile outside the reference range)
8. Serum glucose numbers greater than 140mg/DL and/or glycosylated hemoglobin greater
than 6.5%.
9. Renal damage characterized by serum creatinine numbers greater than 1.5 mg/DL.
10. Alteration of the hepatic test: serum aspartate aminotransferase and/or serum alanine
aminotransferase by levels greater than three times the upper limit of reference.
11. Alterations in serum electrolytes (by sodium greater 135 mmol/L or less 145 mmol;
Potassium less than 3.5 mmol/L or higher 5.35 mmol/L)
12. Intolerance or allergy recognized for any diuretic.
13. Comorbidities that prevent the follow-up of treatment: (Alcoholism, drug addiction,
psychiatric disorders)
14. Positive serology carriers for Hepatitis (B, C) HIV.
15. Acute myocardial infarction (with and without elevation) in the last three months.
16. History of vascular (ischemic or hemorrhagic) brain disease in the last three months.
17. Carriers of acute inflammatory and/or immunologic disease in the last three months
(e.g. Active Lupus etc.)
18. Active myocarditis in the last three months
19. History of Prostatism, or recognized prostatic alterations, that impede voiding flow.
20. Terminal cancer
21. Blunt physical and cognitive deterioration that prevents optimal follow-up.
22. Cultural barriers involving limitation of communication (languages, dialects, reading
and writing, etc.).
23. Not to sign informed consent