Pharmacokinetics and Safety Study of Apetrol ES
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
A Randomized, Open Label, Single dose, Cross-over, Phase I Trial to Investigate Safety and Pharmacokinetics of Apetrol ES and Megace® in Healthy Male Volunteers.Phase:
Phase 1Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Accepts Healthy VolunteersDetails
Lead Sponsor:
LG Life SciencesCollaborator:
Severance HospitalTreatments:
Megestrol Acetate
Inclusion Criteria:- Is a healty male between 20 and 55 years old.
- In a ± 20% than ideal body weight. [ideal body weight(kg) = height(cm)-100) x 0.9
(Broca's rule)
- Subjects who are considered to be suitable in conducting the clinical trial in serum
test, hematology test, hemato-chemical test, urine test and 12-ECG result.
- Is willing and able to comply with scheduled visits, treatment plan, laboratory tests,
and other study procedures.
- Agrees to use an adequate means of contraception during clinical trials
- Subject who has voluntarily decided to participate in this clinical trial and
consented in writing.
Exclusion Criteria:
- Is allergic against Megestrol acetate or other drugs (Aspirin, NSAIDs, Antibiotics,
etc.) or against foods, or has an clinically serious allergic history.
- Subjects who have present condition or past history of any disease involving liver,
kidney, nervous system, immune system, respiratory system, or endocrine system;
hematologic and oncologic disease; cardiovascular disease; or psychiatric disorder
(mood disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, etc. that may affect ADME of
investigational medicinal products.
- In the vital signs measured in sitting position at the screening visit, subjects who
have hypertension desease(a systolic blood pressure of ≥ 150 mmHg or a diastolic blood
pressure of ≥ 100 mmHg).
- Diabetic patients or the patients who are abnormal of impaired glucose tolerance.
- The patients who have a history of Arterial Embolism.
- The patients who have a history of adrenal insufficiency like hypotension or nausea or
vertigo or asthenia or etc.
- Subjects who have a history of drug abuse or shown positive reaction to drugs that may
be abused from a urine drug screening
- Subjects who took any specialized drug or an herbal medication within 2 weeks before
the date of first administration or took any over the counter (OTC) drug within 1 week
(however, they may be included as subjects if appropriate depending on the
investigator's discretion)
- Subjects who had whole blood donation within 2 months or component blood donation
within 1 month before the clinical trial.
- Subjects who have abnormal diets that may affect ADME of investigational medicinal
- Subjects who have been drinking extremely alcohol and caffeine (more than caffeine 5
cups/day, soju 3 cups/day, beer 3 cups/day, liquors 2 cups/day, 10 cigarettes/day) or
can't refrain from drinking during the clinical trial period.
- Subjects who had administration a barbiturates within 1 month before the date of first
drug administration
- Subjects who already participated in other clinical trials within 2 months before this
clinical trial.
- Subjects who are considered to be unsuitable in conducting the clinical trial for
other reason at the principal investigator's discretionary judgment