Pharmacokinetics of Islatravir in Participants With Severe Renal Impairment (MK-8591-026)
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
This study will evaluate the general tolerability and pharmacokinetics (PK) of a single 60 mg dose of MK-8591 (Islatravir) in participants with severe renal insufficiency, compared to participants in good health.Phase:
Phase 1Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Accepts Healthy VolunteersDetails
Lead Sponsor:
Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp.Treatments:
Inclusion Criteria:Healthy participants must have the following:
- Is in good health
- Has a body mass index (BMI) ≥18.5 and ≤40 kg/m2.
- Female is not pregnant or breastfeeding, and is not one of the following: a woman of
childbearing potential (WOCBP); if a WOCBP, is using an acceptable contraceptive
method, or is abstinent from heterosexual intercourse as their preferred and usual
lifestyle; a WOCBP must have a negative highly sensitive pregnancy test within 24
hours before the first dose of study intervention
Renally impaired participants must have the following:
- With the exception of renal impairment, is in generally good health
- Has a BMI ≥ 18.5 and ≤ 40 kg/m2
- Female is not pregnant or breastfeeding, and is not one of the following: a woman of
childbearing potential (WOCBP); if a WOCBP, is using an acceptable contraceptive
method, or is abstinent from heterosexual intercourse as their preferred and usual
lifestyle; a WOCBP must have a negative highly sensitive pregnancy test within 24
hours before the first dose of study intervention
Exclusion Criteria:
Healthy participants must have the following:
- Has a history of clinically significant endocrine, gastrointestinal, cardiovascular,
hematological, hepatic, immunological, renal, respiratory, genitourinary, or major
neurological (including stroke and chronic seizures) abnormalities or diseases.
- Is mentally or legally incapacitated, has significant emotional problems
- Has known hypersensitivity to the active substance or any of the excipients of the
study drug
- Has a history of significant multiple and/or severe allergies (e.g. food, drug, latex
allergy), or has had an anaphylactic reaction or significant intolerability (i.e.
systemic allergic reaction) to prescription or non-prescription drugs or food.
- Is positive for hepatitis B surface antigen, hepatitis C antibodies or HIV.
- Had major surgery, donated or lost 1 unit of blood (approximately 500 mL) within prior
4 weeks
- Is taking medications to treat chronic medical conditions and/or conditions associated
with renal disease
- Has participated in another investigational study within prior 4 weeks
Other exclusions for healthy participants:
- Does not agree to follow the smoking restrictions
- Consumes greater than 1 glass for women, or 2 glasses for men of alcoholic beverages
per day
- Consumes excessive amounts,of caffeinated beverages per day.
- Is a regular user of cannabis, any illicit drugs or has a history of drug (including
alcohol) abuse within approximately prior 3 months.
Renally impaired participants must have the following:
- Has a history or presence of renal artery stenosis.
- Has had a renal transplant or nephrectomy.
- Has rapidly fluctuating renal function as determined by historical measurements.
- Has known hypersensitivity to the active substance or any of the excipients of the
study drug.
- Has a history of cancer (malignancy).
- Has a history of significant multiple and/or severe allergies (e.g. food, drug, latex
allergy), or has had an anaphylactic reaction or significant intolerability (i.e.
systemic allergic reaction) to prescription or non-prescription drugs or food.
- Is positive for hepatitis B surface antigen, hepatitis C antibodies or human
immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
- Had major surgery, donated or lost 1 unit of blood (approximately 500 mL) within 4
weeks prior to the prestudy (screening) visit.
- Is taking medications to treat chronic medical conditions and/or conditions associated
with renal disease and has not been on a stable regimen for at least 1 month and/or is
unable to withhold the use of the medication(s) within 4 hours prior to and 8 hours
after administration of the study drug.
- Has participated in another investigational study within 4 weeks (or 5 half-lives,
whichever is greater) prior to the prestudy (screening) visit.
Other exclusions for renally impaired participants
- Does not agree to follow the smoking restrictions.
- Consumes greater than 1 glass for women, or 2 glasses for men of alcoholic beverages
per day.
- Consumes excessive amounts of caffeinated beverages per day.
- Is a regular user of cannabis, any illicit drugs or has a history of drug (including
alcohol) abuse within approximately 3 months.