Phase II Randomized Study of Physiologic Testosterone Replacement in Premenopausal, HIV-Positive Women
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
OBJECTIVES: I. Determine whether physiologic testosterone replacement can increase fat-free mass, therefore contributing to weight maintenance, improved muscle function, and quality of life in HIV-infected women. II. Examine the mechanism of testosterone-induced increase in fat-free mass.Phase:
Phase 2Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Charles Drew University of Medicine and ScienceTreatments:
Testosterone 17 beta-cypionate
Testosterone enanthate
Testosterone undecanoate
PROTOCOL ENTRY CRITERIA:--Disease Characteristics--
- Histologically confirmed premenopausal HIV-positive women who have experienced 5-15%
weight loss
--Prior/Concurrent Therapy--
- Endocrine therapy: At least 3 months since megestrol At least 3 months since anabolic
or androgenic steroids At least 3 months since oral contraceptives At least 3 months
since Depo-Provera No concurrent hormone replacement therapy
- Other: Concurrent retroviral or protease inhibitors allowed, dosage must be stable At
least 3 months since ketoconazole At least 6 weeks since the initiation of protease
--Patient Characteristics--
- Hepatic: No significant liver disease SGOT/SGPT no greater than 3 times upper limit of
normal (ULN) Alkaline phosphatase no greater than 3 times ULN Bilirubin no greater
than 2 mg/dL No medical complications due to alcohol abuse
- Renal: Not specified
- Cardiovascular: No significant cardiovascular disease No uncontrolled hypertension
- Other: Testosterone level (early morning) less than 30 ng/dL Normal gastrointestinal
function as indicated by: Absence of diarrhea Normal D-xylose absorption test No acute
opportunistic infections or infectious illness No malignant disease No history of
breast cancer No history of endometrial cancer No fever of known or unknown origin No
unremitting diarrhea defined as: At least 4 watery stools per day OR More than 4
watery stools recently OR Acute change in stool habit with fever No significant
respiratory disease No diabetes No illicit drugs within the past 6 months No history
of hyperandrogenic disorders such as: Hirsutism Polycystic ovary disease Not pregnant
or lactating