Phase II Trial to Evaluate Safety and Efficacy of GM-CSF/Sargramostim in Alzheimer's Disease
Not yet recruiting
Not yet recruiting
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
A medicine that is FDA-approved for bone marrow stimulation (called sargramostim) will be tested for its safety and efficacy in individuals with mild-to-moderate Alzheimer's disease over a six month treatment period.Phase:
Phase 2Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
University of Colorado, DenverCollaborators:
Alzheimer's Association
National Institute on Aging (NIA)
Partner Therapeutics
Partner Therapeutics, Inc.Treatments:
Inclusion Criteria:- Males or females between age 60 and 80 years, inclusive, at time of consent.
- Have a dedicated partner/caregiver informant who is in the company of the participant
at least 12 hours a week, who can accompany them to scheduled visits, and who is able
to provide accurate reporting upon the behavioral, cognitive and functional abilities
of the participant.
- Be physically able to participate with adequate visual acuity and auditory
- Be willing / able to provide written informed consent or assent.
- Must reside within a proximity of the study site that will not preclude their
regularly-scheduled participation in the trial, as well as a catchment area for local
lab blood draws (i.e. central contracted laboratory).
- Meet criteria for probable AD dementia according to the National Institute of Aging -
Alzheimer's Association (NIA-AA) 2018 core research criteria, and have the following
at screening:
- A diagnosis of mild AD or moderate AD.
- MoCA score of 10-22 inclusive.
- Have positive biomarker for brain amyloid pathology as shown by CSF assay for AD
- If receiving anti-dementia treatment (i.e. AChEI), be on stable treatment for at least
2 months (i.e., cholinesterase inhibitor and/or Memantine) before initial screening
- Be stable on all other medications for at least 30 days prior to initial screening
Exclusion Criteria:
- Individuals with a first degree relative diagnosed with AD before 55 years of age.
- BMI ≥35.
- Is unable to read/write at a 6th grade level.
- Is a prisoner.
- Modified Hachinski Ischemic Score >4.
- Other neurological or psychiatric condition (other than AD) that can impact cognition,
as well as atypical presentations of AD and AD related dementias, including logopenic
primary progressive aphasia (PPA), or posterior cortical atrophy (PCA); or, CT/MRI
evidence of potentially significant intracranial abnormalities not related to AD
(e.g., evidence of major stroke or lacune in an area critical to cognition,
infections, cancer, hydrocephalus, multiple sclerosis, etc.); or abnormal CSF not
consistent with AD.
- Presence of current, serious mood or anxiety disorder, and/or a psychotic disorder,
and/or a substance-related disorder according to Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
Psychiatric Disorders, Edition IV, text revision (DSM-IV-TR) or DSM-V that, in the
opinion of the Principal Investigator, might impact cognitive assessment, affect
participants ability to complete the study, or confound interpretation of the study
drug effect; or is considered suicidal or shows suicidal ideation as assessed by the
study physician
- History of deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, familial predisposition for deep
vein thrombosis, or pulmonary embolism.
- Active cancer / malignant neoplasm within 5 years of screening other than non-melanoma
skin cancers (e.g. Basal cell or squamous cell). Previous diagnosis of Leukemia,
despite remission state or length of time, is considered exclusionary.
- History of a latex or yeast allergy.
- Presence/history of drug hypersensitivity; or known hypersensitivity to sargramostim,
yeast-derived products, any other component of the product, or benzyl alcohol (present
in bacteriostatic water or saline for injection).
- History of asplenia, hyposplenia, or splenectomy
- History of, or treatment for, an autoimmune disease (e.g. Rheumatoid Arthritis,
Multiple Sclerosis, Myasthenia Gravis, etc.).
- Untreated or unstable medical condition that could interfere with the study
assessments in the opinion of the study physician, or may require immune-stimulating,
immune-suppressive, or immune-modulating treatment(s) during the conduct of the study.
- History of seizures (except infant febrile seizures).
- Pregnant or breastfeeding female, or female of childbearing potential and not
protected by highly effective contraceptive method of birth control (i.e., oral or
depot contraceptives or intrauterine device (IUD) or participant was surgically
sterilized) and/or unwilling or unable to be tested for pregnancy; Male refusing to
use condoms, if partner can get pregnant.
- MRI evidence of >4 micro-hemorrhages; participants who may be prone to spontaneous
ARIA-H and/or may be more susceptible to adverse effects of the ARIA-H.
- Laboratory results that are, in the judgement of the investigator, indicative of an
untreated medical or hematologic condition that could increase risk or interfere with
study assessments
- Evidence of:
- Clinically significant pre-existing fluid retention (clinical or radiological);
- respiratory symptoms (e.g., dyspnea), moderate-to-severe lung disease (e.g. COPD,
pulmonary infiltrates)
- cardiovascular symptoms or electrocardiographic evidence of cardiac disease that
warrant therapeutic intervention (e.g., congestive heart failure,
supraventricular arrhythmia, heart block, uncontrolled atrial fibrillation, etc.)
- a resting pulse less than 50, as reviewed by the study physician;
- prolonged QTc interval >470 ms in females, 450 ms in males).
- screening blood pressure measurement of greater than 160 systolic and/or 95
- Known renal dysfunction or serum creatinine >150 μmol/L, or Glomerular Filtration Rate
(GFR) less than 55 ml/min
- Known hepatic dysfunction (apart from Gilbert's syndrome) or serum ALT ≥3 times the
upper limit of normal (ULN)
- Positive serology for hepatitis B surface antigen (HBs Ag), anti-hepatitis C virus
(anti-HCV), anti-human immunodeficiency virus 1 and 2 antibodies (anti-HIV1 and
anti-HIV2 Ab) or spirochetal infection (e.g. syphilis)
- Contraindication to lumbar dural puncture, including coagulopathy, concomitant
anticoagulation therapy (except daily 81 mg aspirin), prior spinal surgery,
significant deformity of the lumbar/sacral region, or any other factor that, in the
opinion of the investigator, precludes safe LP procedure.
- Contraindication or inability to complete magnetic resonance imaging (e.g., cardiac
pacemaker/defibrillator, ferromagnetic metal implants) or PET scan.
- Sensitivity to fluorodeoxyglucose F 18
- Having past or planned exposure to ionizing radiation that would, together with the
radiation resulting from the administrations of the PET tracer(s) used in this study,
exceed applicable institutional, local, or national recommendations for annual or
lifetime exposure.
- Poor venous access.
- Chronic use of no-n-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), excepting 81 mg daily
aspirin therapy.
- Chronic use of an anti-cholinergic drug(s)
- Taking any prohibited medication or therapy
- Be the recipient of an investigational drug within 60 days of screening, or within 5
times the elimination half-life of that drug, whichever is the longest.
- Prior treatment with an investigational anti-amyloid or anti-tauopathy therapy, or AD
vaccine, unless it can be documented that they were on placebo.
- Participation in the treatment phase of an investigational sargramostim clinical trial
within 6-months of screening.
- Any interested participant who:
1. Is in the judgement of the Principal Investigator likely to be non-compliant with
study protocol, including, but not limited to, leaving the area of the study for
any extended period; or separate from the designated caregiver/informant, without
acceptable replacement, for any of the scheduled assessment visits during the
2. Is unable to cooperate because of a language problem or because of a
developmental disability.
3. Oversees or implements any aspect of the study, or is employed by Partner
Therapeutics or its affiliates or subsidiaries, or is an employee of the
University of Colorado Alzheimer's and Cognition Center and is engaged in the
conduct of the study, or first degree relative of such.