Plerixafor Harvesting And No Chemotherapy for Transplantation of Autologous STem Cells In Cancer (PHANTASTIC)
Unknown status
Unknown status
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
To assess the efficacy and toxicity of plerixafor (AMD 3100) together with granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) for stem cell mobilisation, in patients with myeloma or lymphoma requiring high dose chemotherapy with stem cell rescue.Phase:
N/AAccepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
University of LiverpoolCollaborator:
Genzyme, a Sanofi CompanyTreatments:
JM 3100
Inclusion Criteria:- All of the following must be satisfied:
Aged 18 or over
Able to give informed written consent.
Diagnosis of EITHER multiple myeloma or related plasma cell dyscrasia, OR any form of
lymphoma or associated lymphoproliferative disease Autologous stem cell transplantation is
planned as the next course of treatment.
The patient has not previously undergone a mobilisation attempt for the current transplant.
Patients who have received previous autologous transplants at least 2 years previously are
eligible, as long as stem cell mobilisation has not been attempted for the current
No serious concomitant illness (e.g. heart disease) that might preclude completion of the
Creatinine clearance of at least 30 mls/min. Note that a dose reduction of plerixafor is
required where the creatinine clearance is between 30-50 mls/min; see section 3.3/5.1/5.3.
Negative pregnancy test in women of childbearing age.
Exclusion Criteria:
- Unable to give informed written consent
Pregnancy or lactating
Creatinine clearance of less than 30 mls/min. Patients with clearances lower than this may
still be able to receive plerixafor at reduced dosage following discussion with the trial
co-ordinators, but are not eligible for entry into this trial.
Any previous attempt at mobilisation for the current transplant. Patients with any form of
leukaemia, INCLUDING PLASMA CELL LEUKAEMIA, are not eligible.