Resveratrol for Alzheimer's Disease
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
Resveratrol is derived from plants and is found in highest levels in red wine and the skin of red grapes. A recent study reported that monthly and weekly consumption of red wine is associated with a lower risk of dementia. There is compelling evidence that caloric restriction can improve overall health by activating a class of enzymes known as Sirtuins. Resveratrol is a substance found in some plants that directly activates sirtuins, mimicking the effects of caloric restriction and may affect regulatory pathways of diseases of aging, including Alzheimer's disease (AD). In this study, people with AD will be given either Resveratrol or placebo for 12 months to determine whether daily resveratrol therapy is beneficial in delaying or altering the deterioration of memory and daily functioning. Subjects age 50 and above with a diagnosis of probable AD may qualify for participation in this study. A small group of 15 participants will be asked to take part in a more detailed 24-hour Pharmacokinetic (PK) sub-study that will measure resveratrol levels over a 24 hour period.Phase:
Phase 2Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Alzheimer's Disease Cooperative Study (ADCS)Collaborator:
National Institute on Aging (NIA)Treatments:
Inclusion Criteria:- Diagnosis of probable AD (NINDS-ADRDA criteria).
- Age must be 50 years or older.
- Able to ingest oral medications.
- Caregiver/Study Partner who has direct contact with the participant more than 2 days
per week to accompany participant to all visits.
- MMSE score between 14 and 26 (inclusive).
- Modified Hachinski score of less than or equal to 4.
- Able to abstain from ingesting large quantities of resveratrol-containing foods
(including red wine). 1-2 glasses of red wine or red grape juice daily acceptable; 1
serving of red grapes daily acceptable.
- Able to abstain from ingesting herbal/natural preparations or dietary supplements
containing resveratrol.
Exclusion Criteria:
- Non-AD dementia.
- Probable AD with Down syndrome.
- History of clinically significant stroke.
- Current evidence or history in past two years of epilepsy, focal brain lesion, head
injury with loss of consciousness or DSM-IV criteria for any major psychiatric
disorder including psychosis, major depression, bipolar disorder, alcohol or substance
- Sensory impairment that would preclude the participant from participating in or
cooperating with the protocol.
- Use of investigational agent within two months of Screening.
- Evidence of any significant clinical disorder or laboratory finding that renders the
participant unsuitable for receiving an investigational drug including clinically
significant or unstable hematologic, hepatic, cardiovascular, pulmonary,
gastrointestinal, endocrine, metabolic, renal or other systemic disease or laboratory
- Active neoplastic disease, history of cancer five years prior to screening, including
breast cancer (history or skin melanoma or stable prostate cancer are not excluded).
- History of seizure within past five years.
- Pregnancy or possible pregnancy.
- Use of resveratrol containing supplements.