Rheumatological Evaluation of Anastrozole and Letrozole as Adjuvant Treatment in Post-menopausal Women With Breast Cancer
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
This study will evaluate whether patients who are intolerant and discontinue anastrozole due to grade 2-3 arthralgia-myalgia have a decrease in rheumatological symptoms while taking letrozolePhase:
Phase 4Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Novartis PharmaceuticalsTreatments:
Inclusion Criteria:1. Postmenopausal women with HR+ early stage breast cancer at the time of initial
diagnosis. For study purposes, postmenopausal is defined as:
- Age ≥ 50 y and amenorrheic for 12 or more months.
- Age ≥ 50 y and amenorrheic for 3 or more months after receiving adjuvant
- Age < 50 y and amenorrheic for 12 or more months.
- Prior bilateral oophorectomy.
- Prior hysterectomy and has postmenopausal levels of FSH, LH, and estradiol as per
local institutional standards.
- Age > 55 y and prior hysterectomy.
2. Patients who are intolerant and discontinue anastrozole 2-3 weeks prior to study entry
when given as adjuvant treatment for HR+ early stage breast cancer due to grade 2-3
(NCI-CTCAE V3) arthralgia-myalgia.
3. Hormone receptor-positive tumors as defined by institutional standards.
4. ECOG performance status of 0, 1, or 2
5. Consent to participate in the trial. -
Exclusion Criteria:
1. Postmenopausal women with HR+ metastatic or locally relapsed breast cancer excluding
chest wall recurrence with no evidence of systemic disease.
2. Recent history of pain associated with non-traumatic bone fracture.
3. Pain requiring chronic use of analgesics (due to any reason).
4. History of rheumatological disease except osteoarthritis.
5. Prior hormonal therapy with AIs other than anastrozole.
6. Systemic hormone replacement therapy (HRT) less than 4 weeks before study entry other
than Estring®, Vagifem® or low dose estrogen vaginal cream.
7. Concomitant disease which significantly affects quality of life.
8. Patient unable to complete self administered questionnaire.
9. Patients unable to sign consent form.
Other protocol-defined inclusion/exclusion criteria may apply