
Safety, Reactogenicity and Immunogenicity of a Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis DNA Vaccine Candidate Administered by Jet Injection

Active, not recruiting
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
The goal of this clinical trial is to evaluate the safety and reactogenicity of a VEE DNA Vaccine candidate delivered by either intramuscular or intradermal jet injection. The main question it aims to answer is: • Is the VEE DNA Vaccine candidate safe Participants will: - Receive the VEE DNA Vaccine candidate by either intramuscular or intradermal jet injection - Provide blood and urine samples - Complete ECGs - Complete physical exams - Complete diaries
Phase 1
Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Accepts Healthy Volunteers
Lead Sponsor:
PharmaJet, Inc.
United States Department of Defense
Inclusion Criteria:

- Healthy adults, male or female.

- Ages at least 18 at the start of the study and no greater than 49 years of age on Day
1 of vaccination.

- Participants must be available for all visits and for the complete duration of the

- Participants must, in the opinion of the Investigator or person obtaining consent,
understand the information provided and be capable of providing informed consent.

- Women of child bearing potential (WOCBP) must have a negative pregnancy test and be
willing to use an effective method of contraception: oral contraception, diaphragm,
cervical cap, intrauterine device, condom, or be anatomically sterile (in self or
partner) from the date of screening until at least 6 months after the last

- If subject is a sexually active male, must be willing to use an effective method of
contraception (such as condoms or be anatomically sterile) from screening until 6
months after the last vaccination.

Exclusion Criteria:

- Clinically relevant abnormality on history or examination including a history of
immunodeficiency or use of systemic corticosteroids, immunosuppressive, anticancer, or
other medications considered to be significant by the designated trial physician in
the last 6 months.

- Any acute or chronic medical condition requiring care of a physician (e.g., diabetes,
coronary artery disease, rheumatologic illness, malignancy, substance abuse) that, in
the opinion of the Investigator, would preclude participation.

- Any of the following laboratory parameters with abnormal values that are moderate in
severity: hematology (hemoglobin, absolute neutrophil count, absolute lymphocyte
count, platelets); urinalysis; biochemistries (total bilirubin, creatinine, AST, ALT).

- If female, pregnant, lactating, or planning pregnancy within 6 months of the final

- Receipt of a blood transfusion or blood products 6 months prior to enrollment.

- Participation in another clinical trial of an investigational product currently or
within the past 12 weeks or expected participation during the study.

- History of severe local or systemic reactions to vaccination or a history of severe
allergic reactions.

- History of Guillain-Barre syndrome.

- Confirmed diagnosis of HBV infection (surface antigen positive, HBsAg); Hepatitis C
infection (HCV Ab positive); HIV infection, or active syphilis.

- History of grand mal epilepsy, or currently taking anti-epileptics.

- Any condition associated with prolonged bleeding time, which would contraindicate skin
or muscle injection.

- Abnormal ECG finding that, in the opinion of the Investigator, excludes the subject
from participating.

- History of syncope or history of a fainting episode within one year of study entry.

- Extensive tattoos or markings covering the eligible sites of administration (the skin
or muscle of the upper left and right deltoid muscles).

- Presence of any surgical/traumatic metal implants, or significant scar tissue that may
impair appropriate injection at the eligible sites of administration (skin or muscle
of the upper left and right deltoid muscles).

- In the opinion of the Investigator, is unlikely to comply with the protocol.

- As confirmed/reported by the study subject, a history of: exposure to Venezuelan
Equine Encephalitis Virus (VEEV) or related alphavirus; prior immunization with an
alphavirus replicon-based vaccine; prior immunization with a live-attenuated
alphavirus vaccine; prior immunization with an inactivated alphavirus vaccine.

- A history of encephalitis as confirmed/reported by the study subject.

- Prior immunization against VEEV or related alphavirus or encephalitis, as
confirmed/reported by the study subject.

- History of alcohol abuse, illicit drug use, physical dependence on any opioid, or any
history of drug abuse (excluding marijuana) or addiction within 12 months of

- Involved in the planning or conduct of the study.