
Safety Study of UC-781 Vaginal Microbicide

Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
This study will help determine whether UC-781 gel is safe when applied to the vagina twice daily for 14 days, and will assess whether women and men find the gel acceptable to use.
Phase 1
Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Accepts Healthy Volunteers
Lead Sponsor:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Ministry of Health, Thailand
Anti-Infective Agents
Inclusion Criteria for women:

- Age 18-50 years old

- Regular menses

- HIV-1 seronegative at screening

- Normal Pap smear at screening or documented normal Pap smear within six months prior
to screening

- No evidence of reproductive tract infection (RTI)

- Willing and able to comply with study procedures, including pelvic exams, colposcopy,
maintaining a study coital and symptom log, and applying assigned study gel per

- Agree to abstain from sexual intercourse for 24 hours prior to the enrollment visit

- Agree to abstain from the following activities from at least 48 hours prior to
enrollment through the Day 14 visit:

- Insertion of fingers and other objects into the vagina

- Receiving oral sex

- Receiving anal sex

- Using a diaphragm, cervical cap, female condom, or vaginal contraceptive ring

- Using vaginal products other than the study gels, including douches, lubricants,
or feminine hygiene products

- In a monogamous sexually active relationship with one male partner

- Report having vaginal intercourse only with that partner at least two times per week

- No other reported partner in the prior six months and no plan to have another partner
for the duration of the study

- Agree to use condoms for each act of vaginal intercourse during participation in the

- Their male partner is informed and also consents to participate in the study

- Willing to have male partner informed and treated if an STD is diagnosed at screening
or during the study

Inclusion Criteria for men:

- Age 18 years or older

- HIV-seronegative and free of other STI at screening exam

- One female sexual partner; no other reported partner in the prior six months and no
plan to have another partner for the duration of the study

- Willing and able to comply with study procedures, including clinic visits, interviews
and acceptability evaluation, and consistent use of condoms during enrollment in the

- Willing to have female partner informed and treated if an STD is diagnosed at
screening or during the study

Exclusion Criteria for women:

- Pregnancy or desire to become pregnant at time of study participation

- Currently breastfeeding

- Delivery or abortion within last eight weeks

- History of any male sexual partner other than current partner in past six months

- No abnormal (DAIDS grade 1 or higher) laboratory results at baseline, including
hematology, liver and kidney function

- History of post-coital vaginal bleeding in the past three months

- History of surgery to remove uterus or cervix

- History of surgery on the external genitalia, vaginal, or cervix in the past month

- Clinically significant chronic medical condition that is considered progressive,
including cardiopulmonary disease, renal disease, hepatic disease, diabetes mellitus.

- History of sensitivity/allergy to latex

- Existence of a clinically detectable genital abnormality at screening (e.g. ulcer,
congenital abnormality, any lesion with mucosal disruption)

- Concurrent participation in another trial of a vaginal product

- Have any other condition that in the opinion of the investigator might interfere with
the evaluation of the study objectives

Exclusion Criteria for men:

- History of genital surgery in the past month

- Clinical or laboratory evidence of an STI.

- History of sensitivity/allergy to latex

- History of any sexual partner other than their current partner in the past six months