
Safety, Tolerability and Clinical Activity of ASM-024 in Stable Moderate Asthma

Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the safety, tolerability and clinical activity of ASM-024 in stable moderate asthma.
Phase 2
Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Asmacure Ltée
Inclusion Criteria:

- Able and willing to provide written informed consent.

- Male or female subjects, ≥ 18 years and ≤ 55 years of age

- Diagnosis of moderate asthma and on regular inhaled corticosteroids with or without
short or long-acting Beta-2-agonists

- FEV1 ≥ 55 % predicted in the absence of medications for asthma

- Female subjects of childbearing potential must have a negative pregnancy test (serum
beta-human chorionic gonadotropin (b-HCG)) at Screening, and a negative pregnancy test
immediately before the administration of the study drug for each of Periods 1, 2 and
3. Sexually active females with non-sterile partner must be willing to use adequate

- Male subjects must be willing to use a condom with a spermicide for the duration of
their participation in the study, plus an additional 30 days following study drug
administration and ensure that their partner is using a highly effective method of
birth control such as combined oral contraceptives, implants, injectables or an
intra-uterine device (IUD). Male subjects must ensure that their female partner is
willing to use adequate contraception.

- Demonstration of an increase in FEV1 by ≥ 10 % predicted between spirometry performed
before and 10-20 minutes after the administration of 2 puffs of 100 micrograms of
salbutamol at Screening.

Exclusion Criteria:

- Clinically significant conditions or illnesses other than moderate asthma or systemic

- Pregnant or nursing women or women intending to conceive during the course of the
study or have a positive serum pregnancy test at Screening or a positive urine
pregnancy test during the study.

- Women of childbearing potential (unless surgically sterilized by hysterectomy or
bilateral tubal ligation, or post-menopausal for at least two years) not using a
highly effective method of birth control.

- Non-surgically sterile males and males with partners of childbearing potential not
willing to use a condom with spermicide for the duration of their participation in the
study plus an additional 30 days following study drug administration and to ensure
that their partner is using a highly effective method of birth control such as
combined oral contraceptives, implants, injectables or an IUD.

- Respiratory tract infections or worsening of asthma or changes in asthma medications
within 6 weeks before Screening/Baseline.

- Current cigarette smokers or former smokers with a smoking history of greater than 10
pack years or who stopped smoking within 12 months preceding enrolment in the study.

- Positive urine cotinine test at Screening.

- History of illicit drug use or alcohol abuse within 12 months before Screening.

- Positive test for Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C or Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) at

- Any medication that are known to prolong QT / QTc interval.

- Any of the following concomitant medications preceding the administration of
salbutamol during Screening and preceding the administration of the study drug:

- Oral or i.v. corticosteroids within 1 month;

- Inhaled or intranasal corticosteroids within 48 hours;

- Long acting Beta-2-agonists within 24 hours;

- Short acting Beta-2-agonists within 8 hours;

- Anticholinergic aerosols within 24 hours; and

- Theophylline-containing products within 48 hours.

- Use of NSAIDs within 7 days preceding the administration of salbutamol during
Screening and throughout the study.

- Use of antihistaminic drugs within 3 days preceding the administration of salbutamol
during Screening.

- Use of an investigational product or participation in a clinical trial using an
investigational product within 30 days before dosing or within 90 days in the case of
long-acting products (ex.: Depo-medrol) or biologics with a long-acting half-life
(ex.: monoclonal antibodies).