Safety and Effectiveness of an Investigational Agent (GM-611) in Patients With Diabetic Gastroparesis
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
This study is intended to evaluate the potential to relieve the symptoms associated with gastroparesis during 12 weeks of treatment with oral tablets given twice a day of GM-611 5mg, 10mg or placebo to type I or II diabetics who require insulin. Additionally the study will evaluate the safety and tolerability of GM-611 compared to placebo, the levels of GM-611 in the blood, and the possible effect of GM-611 on diabetic control.Phase:
Phase 2Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Chugai Pharma USACriteria
Inclusion Criteria:Major Inclusion Criteria - Others Stipulated within the Protocol
The study physician must assure you have/are:
- Must be at least 18 years of age and have diabetes mellitus requiring insulin, which
may be in addition to oral anti-diabetic agents.
- At least a three month history of the symptoms of gastroparesis that may include:
early satiety (feeling full soon after beginning a meal), persistent fullness (long
after eating), abdominal distention or bloating, nausea and vomiting. - No evidence of
mechanical gastric obstruction, or other gastric problems since the onset of
gastroparesis symptoms.
- You may be required to under go a Gastric Emptying Test (GET) procedure.
- You must be willing and able to maintain a daily telephone diary and consent to
participate in this study.
Exclusion Criteria:
Major Exclusion Criteria - Others Stipulated within the Protocol
The study physician must assure you do not have/are not:
- Prior history of gastric surgery, excluding reflux surgery.
- Inability to withdraw from current prokinetic agents (e.g., metoclopramide,
erythromycin, others) prior to, and during the study.
- Unstable current medical or surgical condition, or a recent history of frequent
- A history of: HIV, recurring infection affecting the gastrointestinal track,
cirrhosis, acute or chronic liver disease, active pancreatitis, cholecystitis,
psychosis, severe depression, Parkinson's disease, myopathy, scleroderma, eating
disorder, or organ transplant.
- Evidence or history of QT-prolongation, or use of drugs that are, or may be associated
with QT-prolongation are prohibited.
- May not be pregnant, breast-feeding or not using approved methods of contraception.
- An allergy or intolerance to macrolide antibiotics (e.g., erythromycin).
- Use of any investigational drug within 30 days prior to screening.