Safety and Efficacy of Fixed Dose Combination Dolutegravir/Abacavir/Lamivudine FDC Initiated During Acute HIV Infection
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
This is a multicenter, single arm, 96-week open-label study of the safety and virologic efficacy of fixed dose combination Dolutegravir/Lamivudine/Abacavir (DTG/3TC/ABC FDC) initiated during acute HIV infection (AHI).Phase:
N/AAccepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Cynthia L Gay, MD
University of North Carolina, Chapel HillCollaborators:
National Cancer Institute (NCI)
ViiV HealthcareTreatments:
Inclusion Criteria1. Documentation of Acute HIV infection at or within 30 days of study entry.
2. Men and women age ≥18 years.
3. ART naive, defined as ≤14 days of antiretroviral treatment at any time prior to entry.
The only exceptions are:
- Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and documented as HIV-1 negative at least 1 month
prior to AHI diagnosis during PrEP, and
- Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) provided the participant was documented as HIV-1
negative at least 3-6 months following completion of PEP treatment.
4. Lab values obtained within 30 days prior to study entry:
- Absolute neutrophil count >500/mm3
- Hemoglobin > 8.5 g/dL for men and > 8.0 g/dL for women
- Platelet count >50,000/mm3
- Lipase ≤ 3 X upper limit of normal (ULN), single repeat test is allowed to
determine eligibility
- Calculated creatinine clearance (Cockcroft-Gault formula) ≥ 50mL/min:
CrCl = (140-age) x body weight (kg) (x 0.85 if female) Serum creatinine [mg/dL] x (72)
5. Testing for HBsAg is pending. Note: Participants who test positive for HBsAg will be
terminated from the study prior to starting study treatment.
6. Testing for HLA-B57 and/or HLA-B*5701 is pending. Note: Participants who test positive
for HLA-B*5701 will be terminated from the study prior to starting study treatment.
7. A female is eligible to enter and participate in the study if she:
- Is of non-childbearing potential defined as either post-menopausal (12 months of
spontaneous amenorrhea and ≥ 45 years of age) or physically incapable of becoming
pregnant with documented tubal ligation, hysterectomy or bilateral oophorectomy;
- Is of child-bearing potential, with a negative pregnancy test at screening and at
enrollment, who agrees to use one of the methods of contraception listed below.
- Complete abstinence from intercourse from 2 weeks prior to administration of
study medication, throughout the study, and for at least 2 weeks after
discontinuation of all study medication;
- Double barrier method (male condom/spermicide, male condom/diaphragm,
- Approved hormonal contraception - used alone is not considered a sufficient form
of contraception for the study see Protocol Appendix 1 for a listing of examples
of approved hormonal contraception;
- Any intrauterine device (IUD) with published data showing that the expected
failure rate is <1% per year; see Protocol Appendix 2 for a listing of IUDs
meeting this criterion;
- Male partner sterilization confirmed prior to the female participant's entry into
the study, and this male is the sole partner for that patient;
- Any other method with published data showing that the expected failure rate is
<1% per year.
- Any contraception method must be used consistently, in accordance with the
approved product label and for at least 2 weeks after discontinuation of the
study medication.
8. Females who meet the post-menopausal definition, noted in inclusion criterion 7, will
have a follicle stimulation hormone (FSH) test to verify menopause,
9. Ability and willingness of participant to give written informed consent.
Exclusion Criteria
1. ALT ≥ 5 times Upper Limit of Normal (≥5xULN)
2. AST ≥ 3x ULN
3. Bilirubin ≥1.5x ULN (with >35% direct bilirubin)
4. Weight <40 kg
5. Women who are breast-feeding.
6. Women with a positive pregnancy test on enrollment or prior to study drug
7. Women and men of child bearing potential unwilling to agree to use an effective
methods of contraception required by the study.
8. History or presence of allergy to the study drugs or their components.
9. Requires or is anticipated to require any of the prohibited concomitant therapy:
barbiturates, dofetilide, fampridine (dalfampridine), modafinil, oxcarbazepine,
pioglitazone, pilsicainide, pimozide, rifampin, rifapentine, phenytoin, phenobarbital,
carbamazepine, and St. John's wort.
- Dofetilide, fampridine, and pilsicainide are prohibited, as DTG may inhibit its
renal tubular secretion resulting in increased dofetilide concentrations and
potential for toxicity.
10. Unable to discontinue any current medications that are excluded during study
11. Use of immunomodulators (e.g., interleukins, interferons, cyclosporine), radiation
therapy, HIV vaccine, systemic cytotoxic chemotherapy, or investigational therapy
within 30 days prior to study entry.
- Prednisone at a daily dose of 10 mg or less (physiologic replacement dose) is
12. Treatment with radiation therapy or cytotoxic chemotherapeutics agents within 28 days
prior to screening or has an anticipated need for these agents during the study.
13. Administration of an HIV-1 immunotherapeutic vaccine within 90 days prior to
14. Prior treatment with any other experimental drug for any indication (within 30 days of
initiating study treatment).
15. Difficulty swallowing capsules/tablets.
16. Inability to communicate effectively with study personnel.
17. Incarceration; prisoner recruitment and participation are not permitted.
18. Active drug or alcohol use or dependence that, in the opinion of the site
investigator, would interfere with adherence to study requirements or confound the
analysis of study endpoints.
19. Any condition (including but not limited to alcohol and drug use) or any active
clinically significant disease or findings during screening of medical history or
physical examination, which, in the opinion of the Investigator would interfere with
patient safety or compliance.
20. Serious illness requiring systemic treatment and/or hospitalization until patient
either completes therapy or is clinically stable on therapy, in the opinion of the
site investigator, for at least 7 days prior to study entry.
NOTE: Oral candidiasis, vaginal candidiasis, mucocutaneous herpes simplex, and other
minor illnesses (as judged by the site investigator) have no restriction.
21. A life expectancy less than twelve months.
22. Acute viral hepatitis, including, but not limited to, hepatitis A, B, or C.
23. History of myocardial infarction or diagnosis of coronary artery disease.
24. History of ongoing or clinically relevant pancreatitis within the previous 6 months.
25. Chronic hepatitis C infection with an anticipated need for treatment during the study
period (through week 96).
26. Chronic hepatitis B infection (see inclusion criterion 5).
27. Evidence for moderate to severe hepatic impairment (as defined by the presence of
cirrhosis, ascites, encephalopathy, coagulopathy, hypoalbuminemia, esophageal or
gastric varices, persistent jaundice or Child-Pugh class B or greater hepatic
28. Evidence of biliary abnormalities (with the exception of Gilbert's syndrome or
asymptomatic gallstones).
29. Any verified grade 4 laboratory abnormality with exception of ALT as defined in
exclusion criterion 1