Safety and Feasibility of Electrochemotherapy in Unresectable Colorectal Adenocarninoma Liver Metastases
Trial end date:
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Electrochemotherapy (ECT) is a non-thermal tumour ablation modality. It consists of the local potentiation, by means of local reversible electroporation of tumour tissues, of the antitumor activity of non-permeant or poorly permeant anticancer drugs already possessing intrinsic cytotoxicity. ECT has proved to be effective in the treatment of various cutaneous tumour nodules of any origin. Mostly ECT is offered to patients in case of multiple cutaneous metastases, when they cannot be excised, due to their number or localization. This study investigate the application of ECT in the treatment of liver metastases from colorectal adenocarcinoma, for which other thermal cytoreductive methods would be risky compared to the supposed expected clinical benefits.Phase:
Phase 1/Phase 2Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Inclusion Criteria:- Male or female patients > 18 years of age
- Histological confirmed colorectal adenocarcinoma
- Histological or clinically confirmed metastatic colorectal adenocarcinoma lesions
(liver lesions only are considered as metastatic disease) and not resecable.
- A single liver lesion may not exceed 3 cm
- Liver lesions must not have a depth greater than 2 cm from hepatic surface (Glisson
Capsule) (measured clinically if possible otherwise on the basis of CT/ultrasound
- A life expectancy of at least 6 months.
- Patients with a ECOG performance status < 2
- Signed Informed Consent
- Patient must be mentally capable of understanding the information given.
- Patient must give informed consent.
Exclusion Criteria:
- Age less than 18 years.
- Patient pregnant or lactating (no contraceptive method is contraindicated, a pregnancy
test will be administered to all women of childbearing age)
- Life-threatening infection and/or heart failure and/or liver failure and/or other
severe systemic pathologies that preclude laparotomy
- Strumental analysis confirmed ascites.
- Impaired kidney function.
- Significant reduction in respiratory function.
- Allergic reaction to bleomycin.
- Coagulation disturbances
- Patients with exclusion criteria for diagnostic MRI 3Tesla (with pace-makers and all
those metal devices that are not compatible with 3T).