Safety and Immunogenicity of Norovirus GI.1/GII.4 Bivalent Virus-Like Particle Vaccine in an Elderly Population
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
The purpose of this study is to further develop a formulation and dose regimen of the norovirus GI.1/GII.4 bivalent virus-like particle (VLP) vaccine that is immunogenic and safe in an elderly population aged 60 years and above.Phase:
Phase 2Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Accepts Healthy VolunteersDetails
Lead Sponsor:
Aluminum HydroxideVaccines
Inclusion Criteria:1. Is aged 18 to 49 years, or 60 years and older at the time of enrollment;
2. Participants who are in good health, or in stable health status with no exclusionary
medical or neuropsychiatric conditions at the time of entry into the trial as
determined by medical history, physical examination (including vital signs) and
clinical judgment of the Investigator;
3. Participant signs and dates a written, Informed Consent Form (ICF) and any required
privacy authorization prior to the initiation of any trial procedures, after the
nature of the trial has been explained according to local regulatory requirements;
4. Participants who can comply with trial procedures and are available for the duration
of follow-up.
Exclusion Criteria:
1. Has a known hypersensitivity or allergy to any of the Norovirus (NoV) GI.1/GII.4
Bivalent virus-like particle (VLP) Vaccine components;
2. Has a clinically significant active infection (as assessed by the Investigator) or
body temperature ≥38°C/100.4°F within 3 days of the intended date of vaccination;
3. Participants with the presence of significant acute or chronic, uncontrolled medical
or neuropsychiatric illness. Uncontrolled was defined as:
Requiring institution of new medical or surgical treatment within 3 months prior to
immunization, or Requiring a change in medication dosage in the 3 months prior to
immunization due to uncontrolled symptoms or drug toxicity (elective dosage
adjustments in stable participants were acceptable), or Hospitalization or an event
fulfilling the definition of a serious adverse event within 3 months prior
4. Has any unstable medical or neuropsychiatric condition, which in the Investigator's
opinion poses a risk of unusual magnitude for the participant's age group of
hospitalization, death, or an event meeting the definition of a serious adverse event
within 2 months of immunization. The intent of this criterion is to recognize and
allow for the frequent existence of significant health concerns in this population;
but exclude those participants who are experiencing an acute decline in health status;
5. Has any medical or neuropsychiatric condition, which in the Investigator's opinion,
rendered the participant incompetent to provide informed consent or unable to provide
valid safety observations and reports;
6. Has behavioral or cognitive impairment or psychiatric disease that, in the opinion of
the Investigator, may interfere with the participant's ability to participate in the
7. Participants with any history of progressive or severe neurologic disorder, history of
seizure, or history of neuro-inflammatory disease (e.g. Guillain-Barre syndrome);
8. Participants with history or any illness that, in the opinion of the Investigator,
might interfere with the results of the trial or pose additional risk to the
participants due to participation in the trial;
9. Has known or suspected autoimmune disease;
10. Has known or suspected impairment/alteration of immune function, including:
Chronic use of oral steroids (Equivalent to 20 mg/day prednisone ≥ 12 weeks/≥ 2 mg/kg
body weight/day prednisone ≥ 2 weeks) within 60 days prior to Day 1 (use of inhaled,
intranasal, or topical corticosteroids is allowed).
Receipt of parenteral steroids (Equivalent to 20 mg/day prednisone ≥ 12 weeks/≥ 2
mg/kg body weight/day prednisone ≥ 2 weeks) within 60 days prior to Day 1.
Receipt of immunosuppressive therapy within 3 months prior to Day 1. Receipt of
immunostimulants within 60 days prior to Day 1. Receipt of parenteral, epidural or
intra-articular immunoglobulin preparation, blood products, and/or plasma derivatives
within 3 months prior to Day 1 or planned during the full length of the trial.
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection or HIV-related disease. Genetic
11. Has abnormalities of splenic or thymic function;
12. Has any significant disorder of coagulation or treatment with anticoagulant therapy
that would increase the risk of intramuscular (IM) injection. Persons receiving
prophylactic antiplatelet medication such as low dose of acetylsalicylic acid are
13. Has any serious chronic or progressive disease according to judgment of the
Investigator: cancer (malignancy other than resolved/excised skin lesion), insulin
dependent Type I diabetes (Type II diabetes is accepted), cardiac, renal or hepatic
14. Has body mass index (BMI) greater than or equal to 35 kg/m^2 (= weight in kg/[height
in meters^2]);
15. Is participating in any clinical trial with another investigational product 30 days
prior to first trial visit or intent to participate in another clinical trial at any
time during the conduct of this trial;
16. Participants who received any other vaccines within 14 days (for inactivated vaccines)
or 28 days (for live vaccines) prior to enrollment in this trial or who are planning
to receive any vaccine within 28 days of investigational vaccine administration;
17. Participants involved in trial conduct or their first degree relatives;
18. Has history of substance or alcohol abuse within the past 2 years;
19. Females who are pregnant or breastfeeding;
20. If female of childbearing potential, sexually active with a male partner who has not
been sterilized, and has not used any of the "acceptable contraceptive methods" for at
least 2 months prior to trial entry:
Of childbearing potential is defined as status post onset of menarche and not meeting
any of the following conditions: menopausal for at least 2 years, status after
bilateral tubal ligation for at least 1 year, status after bilateral oophorectomy, or
status after hysterectomy.
Acceptable birth control methods are defined as one or more of the following: i.
Hormonal contraceptive (such as oral, injection, transdermal patch, implant, cervical
ring); ii. Barrier (condom with spermicide or diaphragm with spermicide) each and
every time during intercourse; iii. Intrauterine device (IUD); iv. Monogamous
relationship with vasectomized partner. Partner must have been vasectomized for at
least six months prior to the participants' trial entry.
21. If female of childbearing potential and sexually active, refusal to use an "acceptable
contraceptive method" from Day 1 and throughout the duration of the trial. In
addition, they must be advised not to donate ova during this period;
22. Females with any positive or indeterminate pregnancy test.