Safety and Tolerability Study of Metadoxine Extended Release (MDX) (Previously Known as MG01CI) in PI-ADHD Adolescent Subjects
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the safety and tolerability of a single administration of Metadoxine Extended Release (MDX) formulation for the treatment of adolescents diagnosed with ADHD that have predominantly inattentive symptoms. The study will also try to evaluate the efficacy of MDX and its level in the blood.Phase:
Phase 2Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Alcobra Ltd.Treatments:
Inclusion Criteria:1. Adolescent males and females, 13-17 years old, inclusive, at screening visit, with
visible axillary hair.
2. Diagnosed with predominantly inattentive ADHD based on DSM V criteria for ADHD as
assessed by the Adolescent ADHD Clinician Diagnostic Scale (Adol-CDS V1.2).
3. Clinical severity of at least a moderate level (Clinical Global Impression-Severity
score of 4 or above).
4. STAI State score of <52, STAI Trait score of <52 and BDI score of <19.
5. Sexually active subjects of childbearing potential must agree to use an effective
contraceptive throughout the study (e.g., oral contraceptives or Norplant®; a reliable
double barrier method of birth control [diaphragms with contraceptive jelly; cervical
caps with contraceptive jelly; condoms with contraceptive foam]; intrauterine devices;
vasectomy; or abstinence) and for at least a month after the study, and must have a
negative serum pregnancy test at the Screening Visit. Females of childbearing
potential are defined as women who are between menarche and 2 years post-menopause and
who are not surgically sterilized. Males and Female subjects who are not sexually
active, and who agree to be abstinent throughout the study, will not be required to
use birth control.
6. Subject is able to attend the clinic regularly and reliably.
7. Subject is able to swallow tablets and capsules.
8. Able to understand, read, write and speak Hebrew fluently to complete study related
9. Parents or legal authorized guardians (LAR), and subject, able to understand and sign
written informed consent/assent to participate in the study
10. Subject and parents/LARs provide assent/consent to participate in the study. per
applicable laws and regulations
11. Subject weighs ≥40 kg or ≤100 kg
Exclusion Criteria:
1. Subject has any psychiatric condition (e.g., schizophrenia or personality disorder as
diagnosed by DSM-V) or clinically significant or unstable medical or surgical
condition that may preclude safe and complete study participation as determined by the
investigator using medical history, physical examination, neurological examination,
laboratory tests, and electrocardiograms. Common diseases such as mild hypertension,
well-controlled type 2 diabetes mellitus (hemoglobin A1C <6.5%), etc, are allowed per
the investigator's judgment as long as they are stable and controlled by medical
therapy that is constant for at least 8 weeks before randomization and subsequently
throughout the study. If there are any concerns about the suitability of the subject's
medical or surgical condition, the investigator should review the subject's history
with the medical monitor.
2. Subject has a known or suspected human immune deficiency virus positive status or has
diseases such as acquired immunodeficiency disorder, hepatitis C, hepatitis B, or
3. Subject has a history of an allergy or sensitivity to B-complex vitamins.
4. Subject has a history of intellectual disability or a history or suspicion of autism
spectrum disorder.
5. Subject has a current clinically significant Axis I diagnosis (other than ADHD)
according to the K-SADS-PL or has a lifetime history of bipolar disorder or psychosis.
6. Subject has used mega-dose vitamin B6/pyridoxine during the 28 days before the
Randomization Visit. Subjects will be allowed to have a 28-day washout of mega-dose
vitamin B6/pyridoxine after the Screening visit. Routine multivitamin supplements will
be allowed.
7. Subject has used high-dose supplements of omega-3 fatty acids ≥ 500 mg on at least 1
day (such as softgels, capsules, or fish oils; regular daily dietary consumption of
fish is allowed) or folic acid supplements (other than routine multivitamin
supplements) during the 2 weeks before the Randomization Visit.
8. Subject has used an investigational medication/treatment in the 30 days before the
Screening Visit
9. Subject has used any medication or food supplement that the investigator or the
medical monitor considers unacceptable during the 14-day period before randomization.
This includes, but is not limited to, sympathomimetic agents, clonidine, guanfacine,
norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, serotonin reuptake inhibitors, sedative-hypnotics,
benzodiazepines, sedating antihistamines, herbal preparations that would confound
safety or efficacy assessments, and narcotics. Questions regarding the acceptability
of medications and food supplements (such as melatonin) will be discussed with the
medical monitor before study entry.
10. Subject has a current drug or alcohol dependence or substance abuse disorder according
to DSM-V Text Revision criteria (excluding nicotine) or a history of such dependence
within the last 6 months. Subject should also agree to keep their caffeine intake
consistent and refrain from consuming ≥300 mg per day of caffeine (no more than three
8-ounce servings of coffee) during the study.
11. Subject has suicidality, defined as active ideation, an intent or plan, or any
significant lifetime suicidal behavior (actual attempt, aborted attempt, interrupted
attempt, or act or preparation towards imminently making a suicide attempt). Subjects
exhibiting history (within previous 12 months) of non-suicidal self-injurious behavior
will be excluded.
12. Subject has taken any prescription or non-prescription ADHD medications during the 14
days before the randomization visit or 28 days in the case of atomoxetine..
13. Subject is significantly visually impaired to an extent that is not able to be
corrected by prescription glasses or contact lenses
14. Subject is closely related to the sponsor, investigator, or study staff. Eligibility
of subjects with any relationship to the sponsor, investigator, or study staff will be
discussed with the medical monitor before study entry.
15. Subject has any condition that, in the principal investigator's opinion, would place
the subject at risk or influence the conduct of the study or interpretation of
results, including (but not limited to) abnormally low intellectual capacity as judged
by the investigator.
16. Subject cannot fully comprehend the implications of the protocol, cannot comply with
its requirements, or is incapable of following the study schedule for any reason.
17. Subject is pregnant, lactating, or using an inadequate contraceptive method.
18. Subject is not currently participating in other clinical trials.