
Serum Ceftazidime Concentrations in Hemodialysis Patients

Unknown status
Trial end date:
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There is evidence that the current dosing recommendations of ceftazidime in hemodialysis patients may not reach the critical pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamics thresholds associated with maximal efficacy. The primary objective is to assess whether the standard doses of ceftazidime (1 or 2 g) administered at the end of the dialysis session (intermittent dialysis) allow to obtain a trough level equal or superior to 8 mg/L if the causative organism is not identified or 1 x the MIC if it is identified and its in vitro susceptibility to ceftazidime established. The secondary objectives will be (i) to assess whether a trough level equal or superior to 32 mg/L (if the causative organism is not identified) and 4 x its MIC (if identified and its in vitro susceptibility established) can be obtained; (ii) whether the criteria mentioned above also apply to the free fractions of ceftazidime; (iii) to assess whether reaching the desired free and total trough concentrations impacts the clinical outcome of the patient; (iv) to assess whether the main hemodialysis parameters impact on ceftazidime total and free serum concentrations; (v) to assess the impact of patient's residual renal function on the ceftazidime serum free and total concentrations; (vi) to assess the impact of potential drug-drug interactions on ceftazidime serum free and total concentrations; (vii) to assess how the MIC of the causative organism (if known) affects the expected effectiveness of ceftazidime. The study will be prospective and monocentric. Drug assay will be made High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) and UV photometric detection (confirmed by tandem mass spectrometry detection[HPLC-MS-MS]). Free concentration will be measured after separation by membrane sieving. The expected number of enrolled patients will be 20 (arbitrarily chosen but compatible with previous studies and the possibilities of the Institution in which the study will be performed. The standard dose of ceftazidime will be (i) a loading dose of 2 g followed by a maintenance dose of 1 g (the dose may be modified by the clinician in charge if deemed necessary and recorded accordingly). The data obtained will be used for pharmacokinetic modelling and population pharmacokinetics, followed by Monte-Carlo simulations to obtain population-wide predictions and to draw conclusions that could be applicable to a larger population.
Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Charleroi
Université Catholique de Louvain
Inclusion Criteria:

- any patient with 18 years of age or older and chronically treated by hemodialysis in
the hemodialysis ward of the Institution, and

- for whom ceftazidime is administered for treating a suspected or confirmed infection
for which ceftazidime is indicated, and

- who has given her/his informed consent.

Exclusion Criteria:

- patient with suspected or confirmed allergy to beta-lactam antibiotics

- pregnant women (based on patient's declaration)

- nursing women