Study of LM11A-31-BHS in Mild-moderate AD Patients
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
The purpose of this study is to determine the safety of 2 doses of LM11A-31-BHS in 180 patients with Alzheimer's Disease versus placebo and to access biomarker and clinical exploratory endpoints of LM11A-31-BHSPhase:
Phase 1/Phase 2Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
PharmatrophiX Inc.Collaborator:
National Institute on Aging (NIA)
Inclusion Criteria:1. Men and women (non-childbearing potential) with a diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease
according to McKhann (2011) criteria
2. Age 50-85 years (50-80 in Czech Republic)
3. MRI or CT assessment within six months before baseline, corroborating the clinical
diagnosis of AD and excluding other potential causes of dementia, especially
cerebrovascular lesions (see exclusion criteria, number 3)
4. CSF AD specific biomarker profile; positive, defined as CSF Aβ42 < 550 ng l-1 or an Aβ
40/42 ratio < 0.89
5. Mild to moderate stage of Alzheimer's disease according to MMSE ≥ 18 and ≤ 26
6. Absence of major depressive disease according to GDS of < 5
7. Modified Hachinski Ischemic Scale ≤ 4
8. Formal education for eight or more years
9. Previous decline in cognition for more than six months as documented in patient
medical records
10. A caregiver available and living in the same household or interacting with the patient
a sufficient time each week (in Czech Republic: providing personal care for the
patient during at least 10 hours per week ) and available if necessary to assure
administration of drug
11. Patients living at home or nursing home setting without continuous nursing care
12. General health status acceptable for a participation in a 6-month clinical trial
13. Ability to swallow capsules
14. Stable pharmacological treatment of any other chronic condition for at least one month
prior to screening
15. Stable treatment with one of the acetylcholinesterase inhibitors donepezil (Aricept
®), galantamine (Razadyne®), or rivastigmine (Exelon) or the partial NMDA receptor
antagonist with memantine (Namenda®) at least 3-months before baseline Visit or
Combination of both treatments mentioned above
16. No regular intake of prohibited medications as noted in Section 11.8 of the protocol
17. Signed informed consent by the patient, examined and verified to be mentally capable
by an independent physician, prior to the initiation of any study specific procedure.
Signed consent of the caregiver (see inclusion criteria 10).
Exclusion Criteria:
1. Failure to perform screening or baseline examinations
2. Hospitalization or change of chronic concomitant medication one month prior to
screening or during screening period
3. Clinical, laboratory or neuro-imaging findings consistent with:
- Other primary degenerative dementia, (dementia with Lewy bodies, fronto-temporal
dementia, Huntington's disease, Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, Down's syndrome, etc.)
- Other neurodegenerative condition (Parkinson's disease, amyotrophic lateral
sclerosis, etc.)
- Cerebrovascular disease (major infarct, one strategic or multiple lacunar
infarcts, extensive white matter lesions > one quarter of the total white matter)
- Other central nervous system diseases (severe head trauma, tumors, subdural
hematoma or other space occupying processes, etc.)
- Seizure disorder
- Other infectious, metabolic or systemic diseases affecting central nervous system
(syphilis, present hypothyroidism, present vitamin B12 or folate deficiency,
serum electrolytes out of normal range, juvenile onset diabetes mellitus, etc.)
4. A current DSM-IV diagnosis of active major depression, schizophrenia or bipolar
5. Clinically significant, advanced or unstable disease that may interfere with primary
or secondary variable evaluations, and which may bias the assessment of the clinical
or mental status of the patient or put the patient at special risk, such as:
- chronic liver disease, liver function test abnormalities or other signs of
hepatic insufficiency (ALT, AST, Gamma GT, alkaline phosphatase > 2.5 ULN)
- Respiratory insufficiency
- Renal insufficiency (serum creatinine > 2mg/dl) or creatinine clearance ≤ 30
mL/min according to Cockcroft-Gault formula). In case of creatinine clearance ≤
30mL/min, an alternative verification of the renal function must be completed
using Cystatin C analysis. In case of normal level of Cystatin C, the patient can
be included
- Heart disease (myocardial infarction, unstable angina, heart failure,
Cardiomyopathy within six months before screening)
- Bradycardia (heart beat < 50/min.) or tachycardia (heart beat > 95/min.)
- Hypertension (> 180/95 / Czech Republic >160/95) or hypotension (< 90/60)
requiring treatment with more than three drugs
- AV block (type II / Mobitz II and type III), congenital long QT syndrome, sinus
node dysfunction or prolonged QTcB-interval (males > 450 and females > 470 msec.)
- Uncontrolled diabetes defined by HbA1c > 8.5
- Malignancies within the last five years except skin malignancies (other than
melanoma) or indolent prostate cancer
- Metastases
6. Disability that may prevent the patient from completing all study requirements (e.g.
blindness, deafness, severe language difficulty, etc.)
7. Women who are fertile and of childbearing potential
8. Chronic daily drug intake of ≥ 14 days or expected for ≥ 14 days:
- benzodiazepines (except lorazepam ≤ 1mg for sleeping disorders only),
neuroleptics or major sedatives
- Antiepileptics
- Centrally active anti-hypertensive drugs (clonidine, l-methyl DOPA, guanidine,
guanfacine, etc.)
- Opioid containing analgesics
9. Nootropic drugs with exception of Ginko Biloba
10. Suspected or known drug or alcohol abuse, i.e. more than approximately 60 g alcohol
(approximately 1 liter of beer or 0.5 liter of wine / in Czech Republic: 20 g alcohol
per day for females (500 ml of beer or 250 ml of wine) and 30g alcohol per day for
males (approximately 750 ml of beer or 375 ml of wine)) per day indicated by elevated
MCV significantly above normal value at screening
11. Suspected or known allergy to any components of the study treatments
12. Enrollment in another investigational study or intake of investigational drug within
the previous three months
13. Any condition, which, in the opinion of the investigator, makes the patient unsuitable
for inclusion
14. If patient is in any way dependent on the sponsor or the principal investigator or if
the patient is accommodated in an establishment on judicial or administrative order