Study of S-588410 After Adjuvant Chemotherapy for Completely Resected Non-small- Cell Lung Cancer
Unknown status
Unknown status
Trial end date:
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In this clinical study, the investigators evaluate the efficacy and safety of S-588410 in patients who underwent an adjuvant chemotherapy after the complete resection of non-small-cell lung cancer.Phase:
Phase 2Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Tokyo UniversityCollaborators:
Fukushima Medical University
Hokkaido University
Kanagawa Cancer Center
National Cancer Center Hospital East
Shiga University of Medical Science
Inclusion Criteria:1. Patients who received platinum-based adjuvant chemotherapy after the complete
resection of lung cancer.
2. Pathologically determined non-small-cell lung cancer excepting the large cell
neuroendocrine carcinoma and mixed type.
3. Patients with HLA-A*24:02.
4. Neither recurrence nor metastasis of non-small-cell lung cancer demonstrated by
imaging tests within 6 weeks prior to the registration.
5. Possible to receive S-588410 within 12 weeks after the last adjuvant chemotherapy.
6. ECOG performance status 0 or 1 within 2 weeks prior to the registration.
7. Age over 20 years at time of consent acquisition.
8. The written informed consent provided by the patient.
Exclusion Criteria:
1. Other malignant diseases requiring treatment, excepting the cured cancer in-situ.
2. Concurrent treatment with anticancer drug, steroids, immunosuppressive agent,
radiotherapy, immunotherapy, hyperthermia, or surgery.
3. Active and uncontrolled infectious disease.
4. Severe hepatic dysfunction, kidney dysfunction, cardiac disease, pulmonary disease,
hematological disorder, or metabolic disease.
5. Coronary artery stenting within 6 months prior to registration.
6. Autoimmune disease.
7. HIV infection.
8. Registration within 4 weeks after the last adjuvant chemotherapy.
9. Laboratory values defined in the protocol within 2 weeks prior to registration.
10. Residual uncontrolled adverse events by adjuvant chemotherapy.
11. Eosinophilia within 28 days prior to registration. Past or active eosinophilic
pneumonia or interstitial pneumonitis.
12. Past history of severe allergic reaction against drug, vaccine and biological agents.
13. Female patient in nursing or pregnancy.
14. Refusal of pregnancy conception.
15. Treated with the same peptide vaccines as S-588410.
16. Treated with another investigational drug within 28 days prior to registration or the
period of 5 times of the drug half-life.
17. Decision of non-enrollment of the patients by principal investigator or
physician-in-charge from the view point of patient's safety.