Study of the Safety, and Sperm and Gonadotropin Suppression of a Contraceptive Gel in Normal Men
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
To determine the number of men who have suppression of sperm production when using a daily regimen of Nestorone® Gel (0, 8 or 12 mg) and Testosterone Gel applied transdermally.Phase:
Phase 1Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Accepts Healthy VolunteersDetails
Lead Sponsor:
Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)
Health DecisionsCollaborators:
Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)
Population CouncilTreatments:
ST 1435
Testosterone 17 beta-cypionate
Testosterone enanthate
Testosterone undecanoate
Inclusion CriteriaMen who meet all the following criteria are eligible for enrollment in the trial:
1. Male volunteers in good health as confirmed by physical examination, medical history,
and clinical laboratory tests of blood and urine at the time of screening
2. 18 to 50 years of age
3. BMI ≤ 33 calculated as weight in Kg/ (height in cm) 2
4. No history of hormonal therapy use in the last six months prior to the first screening
5. Subject will agree to use a recognized effective method of contraception with his
partner (i.e. at a minimum, use double-barrier contraception) during the course of the
study treatment and recovery phase
6. In the opinion of the investigator, subject is able to comply with the protocol,
understand and sign an informed consent and HIPAA form
7. Does not meet any of the exclusion criteria.
Exclusion Criteria:
Men who meet any of the following criteria are NOT eligible for enrollment in the trial:
1. Men participating in another clinical trial involving an investigational drug within
the last 30 days prior to the first screening visit
2. Men not living in the catchment's area of the clinic or within a reasonable distance
from the site
3. Clinically significant abnormal findings at screening
4. Elevated PSA (levels ≥ 4 ng/mL), according to local laboratory normal values
5. Abnormal serum chemistry values, according to local laboratory normal values that
indicate liver or kidney dysfunction or that may be considered clinically significant.
Other abnormal lab values may also be exclusionary, at the discretion of the
6. Sperm concentration below 15 million/mL in more than one of three screening samples
7. Use of androgens or body building substances within 6 months before first screening
8. Diastolic (D) blood pressure (BP) ≥ 85 and Systolic (S) BP ≥ 135 mm Hg; (BP will be
taken 3 times at 5 minute intervals and the mean of all measurements be considered)
9. History of hypertension, including hypertension controlled with treatment
10. Known history of primary testicular disease or disorders of the hypothalamic-pituitary
11. Known hypersensitivity to progestins
12. Family or personal history of venous thromboembolism
13. Benign or malignant liver tumors; active liver disease
14. History of breast carcinoma
15. Known history of reproductive dysfunction including vasectomy or infertility
16. Known history of cardiac, renal, hepatic or prostatic disease
17. A serious systemic disease such as diabetes mellitus or morbid obesity (body weight
greater than 120% of ideal body weight or BMI limitation as above)
18. History of sleep apnea
19. Known or suspected alcoholism or drug abuse that may affect metabolism/transformation
of steroid hormones and study treatment compliance
20. Known dermatitis or severe skin disorder
21. Partner is known to be pregnant
22. Men desiring fertility within the first 24 weeks of study participation.
Men participating in competitive sports where drug screening for prohibited substances
(including anabolic steroids) is routine will be advised of the relative and temporary
hazards that participating in this study may have for their fertility or sporting status.