
Study to Evaluate the Pharmacokinetic (PK) Interactions Between GSK3640254 and Dolutegravir (DTG)

Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
This is an open-label, single-sequence, two-way drug interaction study to investigate the PK, safety and tolerability of GSK3640254 and DTG when administered alone or in combination in healthy subjects. Treatment of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection frequently involves combination therapy. Data from this study will contribute to dosing recommendations when GSK3640254 and DTG are given in combination. The study will consist of a Screening period and 3 sequential treatment periods. Subjects will be administered DTG 50 milligrams (mg) once daily (QD) in Period 1 followed by GSK3640254 200 mg QD in Period 2. There will be a washout period of 4 days between Periods 1 and 2. In Period 3, subjects will be co-administered DTG 50 mg QD and GSK3640254 200 mg QD. The total duration of the study will be approximately 55 days, including Screening.
Phase 1
Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Accepts Healthy Volunteers
Lead Sponsor:
ViiV Healthcare
Inclusion Criteria:

- Subject must be 18 to 55 years of age inclusive, at the time of signing the informed

- Subjects who are healthy as determined by the investigator or medically qualified
designee based on a medical evaluation including medical history, physical
examination, laboratory tests, and cardiac monitoring (history and ECG).

- Body weight >=50 kilograms (kg) (110 pounds [lbs]) for men and >=45.0 kg (99 lbs) for
women and body mass index within the range 18.5 to 31.0 kilograms per square meter
(kg/m^2) (inclusive).

- Male or female subjects can participate. A female subject is eligible to participate
if she is not pregnant, not breastfeeding, and not a woman of childbearing potential

- Capable of giving signed informed consent, which includes compliance with the
requirements and restrictions listed in the informed consent form (ICF) and protocol.

Exclusion Criteria:

- Current or chronic history of liver disease, or known hepatic or biliary abnormalities
(with the exception of Gilbert's syndrome or asymptomatic gallstones).

- A pre-existing condition interfering with normal gastrointestinal (GI) anatomy or
motility (e.g., gastroesophageal reflux disease, gastric ulcers, gastritis), hepatic
and/or renal function, that could interfere with the absorption, metabolism, and/or
excretion of the study drugs or render the subject unable to take oral study

- Any history of significant underlying psychiatric disorder, including but not limited
to schizophrenia, bipolar disorder with or without psychotic symptoms, other psychotic
disorders, or schizotypal (personality) disorder.

- Any history of major depressive disorder with or without suicidal features, or anxiety
disorders, that required medical intervention (pharmacologic or not) such as
hospitalization or other inpatient treatment and/or chronic (>6 months) outpatient
treatment. Subjects with other conditions such as adjustment disorder or dysthymia
that have required shorter term medical therapy (<6 months) without inpatient
treatment and are currently well-controlled clinically or resolved may be considered
for entry after discussion and agreement with the ViiV Medical Monitor.

- Any pre-existing physical or other psychiatric condition (including alcohol or drug
abuse), which, in the opinion of the investigator (with or without psychiatric
evaluation), could interfere with the subject's ability to comply with the dosing
schedule and protocol evaluations or which might compromise the safety of the subject.

- Medical history of cardiac arrhythmias or cardiac disease or a family or personal
history of long QT syndrome.

- Presence of Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) at Screening or within 3 months prior
to starting study intervention.

- Positive Hepatitis C antibody test result at Screening or within 3 months prior to
starting study intervention and positive on reflex to Hepatitis C ribonucleic acid

- Positive HIV-1 and -2 antigen/antibody immunoassay at Screening.

- ALT >1.5 times upper limit of normal (ULN). A single repeat of ALT is allowed within a
single screening period to determine eligibility.

- Bilirubin >1.5 times ULN (isolated bilirubin >1.5 times ULN is acceptable if bilirubin
is fractionated and direct bilirubin <35 percent).

- Any acute laboratory abnormality at Screening which, in the opinion of the
investigator, should preclude participation in the study of an investigational

- Any Grade 2 to 4 laboratory abnormality at Screening, with the exception of creatine
phosphokinase (CPK) and lipid abnormalities (e.g., total cholesterol, triglycerides),
and ALT (described above), will exclude a subject from the study unless the
investigator can provide a compelling explanation for the laboratory results and has
the assent of the sponsor. A single repeat of any laboratory abnormality is allowed
within a single screening period to determine eligibility.

- A positive test result for drugs of abuse (including marijuana), alcohol, or cotinine
(indicating active current smoking) at Screening or before the first dose of study

- Unable to refrain from the use of prescription or non-prescription drugs including
vitamins, herbal and dietary supplements (including St John's wort) within 7 days (or
14 days if the drug is a potential enzyme inducer) or 5 half-lives (whichever is
longer) prior to the first dose of study medication and for the duration of the study.

- Treatment with any vaccine within 30 days prior to receiving study intervention.

- Unwillingness to abstain from excessive consumption of any food or drink containing
grapefruit and grapefruit juice, Seville oranges, blood oranges, or pomelos or their
fruit juices within 7 days prior to the first dose of study intervention(s) until the
end of the study.

- Participation in another concurrent clinical study or prior clinical study (with the
exception of imaging trials) prior to the first dosing day in the current study: 30
days, 5 half-lives, or twice the duration of the biological effect of the study
intervention (whichever is longer).

- Where participation in the study would result in donation of blood or blood products
in excess of 500 milliliter (mL) within 56 days.

- Any positive (abnormal) response confirmed by the investigator on a screening
clinician- or qualified designee-administered Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale

- Any significant arrhythmia or ECG finding (e.g., prior myocardial infarction,
sinoatrial pauses, bundle branch block, or conduction abnormality) which, in the
opinion of the investigator or ViiV Healthcare (VH)/GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Medical
Monitor, will interfere with the safety for the individual subject.

- Exclusion criteria for screening ECG (a single repeat is allowed for eligibility
determination): Heart rate (males: <45 or >100 beats per minute [bpm] and females: <50
or >100 bpm); PR interval (<120 or >200 milliseconds [msec]); QRS duration (<70 or
>110 msec); QTcF interval (males: >450 msec and females: >470 msec).

- History of regular alcohol consumption within 6 months of the study defined as: an
average weekly intake of >14 units. One unit is equivalent to 8 grams of alcohol: a
half-pint (equivalent to 240 mL) of beer, 1 glass (125 mL) of wine, or 1 (25 mL)
measure of spirits.

- Regular use of tobacco- or nicotine-containing products within 3 months prior to

- History of sensitivity to any of the study medications, or components thereof or a
history of drug or other allergy that, in the opinion of the investigator or medical
monitor, contraindicates their participation.