The Effect of BEPREVE 1.5% on Tear Film Osmolarity and Tear Film Lipid Layer
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
The purpose of this study is to compare the effect of Bepreve® with an artificial-tear eye drop on the quality of your tears.Phase:
Phase 4Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Accepts Healthy VolunteersDetails
Lead Sponsor:
Minnesota Eye Consultants, P.A.Collaborator:
Bausch & Lomb IncorporatedTreatments:
Lubricant Eye DropsOphthalmic Solutions
Pharmaceutical Solutions
Inclusion Criteria:1. Are male or female at least 18 years of age who are diagnosed with allergic
2. Have documented positive skin prick puncture test to at least one (1) seasonal
allergen (e.g., grasses, trees, weeds, or other allergens) within two (2) years of
Visit 1.
3. Agree not to have any other ocular drops in study eyes within 2 days prior to the
initiation of dosing with the test article or throughout the duration of the study.
4. Have a Best Corrected Visual Acuity of 20/200 or better in either eye.
5. Are willing/able to follow instructions from the study investigator and his/her staff.
6. Be willing/able to return for all required study visits, to follow instructions from
the study investigator and his/her staff.
7. Are able to self-administer test article (or have a caregiver available to instill all
doses of test article).
8. Have signed informed consent approved by Institutional Review Board or Independent
Ethics Committee.
Exclusion Criteria:
1. Have known hypersensitivity to either BEPREVE™ or REFRESH TEARS® or to any component
of the test article (including "procedural" medications such as anesthetic and/or
fluorescein drops, dilating drops, etc.).
2. Have active corneal pathology noted in the study eye at the screening visit. Active
corneal pathology is defined as corneal pathology that is non-stable, or greater than
mild, or will compromise assessment of the safety or efficacy of treatment.
3. Have used topical, ocular, inhaled or systemic steroids within 14 days prior to
4. Have a history of abuse of alcohol/drugs within six months prior to the screening
5. Are pregnant or nursing/lactating.
6. Have participated in any other study of an investigational drug or device within 30
days prior to randomization.