The Effect of BIIL 284 BS on Induced-sputum Variables in Patients With Bronchial Asthma
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
Study to evaluate the anti-inflammatory effect of BIIL 284 BS compared with placebo in patients with asthmaPhase:
Phase 2Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Boehringer Ingelheim
Inclusion Criteria:- Written informed consent signed and dated prior to participation into the study
- Males and females aged 18 - 65 years. Female patients of child bearing potential
cannot participate in this study. Female patients are eligible to participate only if
they are surgically sterilized or two years post menopausal. Women entering into this
trial will have a pregnancy test before and after participation in the trial. Testing
will be done during visit 1 and visit 5
- A documented diagnosis of asthma as defined by the American thoracic society i.e.,
episodic wheezing, chest tightness, cough and/or shortness of breath at least
partially relieved by bronchodilator medication. No hospital admission in the last
eight weeks for the treatment of asthma; no requirement for steroid therapy (systemic
or inhaled) for the previous four weeks, nedocromil sodium or sodium cromoglycate in
the previous two weeks; asthma therapy stable and limited to intermittent use of
inhaled β2-agonists or anticholinergics on an as required basis, or occasional use of
antihistamines. Predicted equations for forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1)
of Caucasians and African - Americans are those of Morris et. al. and Glindmeyer et.
al. At visit 2, 3, and 5, immediately prior to the induced sputum test, but following
albuterol administration, a patient's FEV1 must be above 60 % of predicted
- The presence of, at least, 25 % of neutrophils in induced sputum during screening
visit 2 (this requirement refers to the neutrophils percentage exclusive of squamous
- Ability to produce an adequate induced sputum sample (visit 2) as defined by: Volume >
1 ml, squamous cells < 80 % and ability to tolerate the procedure for at least 4
minutes with no bronchoconstriction (a fall in FEV1 > 20 %)
- Patients with PC20 methacholine <= 8 mg/ml as determined at visit 1
- Non-smokers (patients who have never smoked) or ex-smokers for at least one year with
a smoking history, no greater than five pack-years (1 pack year = 20 cigarettes per
day for 1 year)
- Ability to be trained in the proper use of peak flow meter (Mini Wright peak flow
meter, Clement Clarke, Inc.) and in performing and recording technically satisfactory
pulmonary function tests
- Willing to attend an outpatient clinic on a regular basis and undergo three induced
sputum challenges during which they will be confined to the investigational unit for
up to two hours
- Ability to comply with the concomitant therapy restrictions
- Patients will be off all prescription drug therapy other than that specifically for
asthma or hay fever. Over the counter (O.T.C.) drugs must be discontinued for at least
two weeks prior to participation in the study. If any O.T.C. medication is needed by
patients throughout the study, the investigator will call the clinical monitor and
this will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis
- Patients will have no evidence of clinically relevant concomitant disease based upon
complete medical history, full physical examination, chest x-ray (if not done in
previous 6 months), electrocardiogram (ECG) and clinical laboratory tests. These tests
should indicate that the patient is healthy except for changes related to asthma or
atopy (e.g., eosinophilia based on a total eosinophil count). Patient may have a
history of allergic rhinitis or urticaria.
- The following laboratory parameters must be within the normal range, or if not,
be documented by the investigator as not clinically relevant:
- Routine urinalysis, Complete blood cell (CBC) (excluding White blood cell (WBC))
, Na, K, Ca, Cl, Gamma-glutamyl-transferase (GGT), Lactic dehydrogenase (LDH),
bicarbonate, inorganic phosphorus, glucose, uric acid, triglyceride, total
protein, albumin and cholesterol.
- The following test may be outside the normal range to the extent indication:
- Test a; Liver function tests: serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase /
aspartate aminotransferase (SGOT/AST), serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase /
alanine transaminase (SGPT/ALT), total bilirubin (in patients with an
isolated raised bilirubin and diagnosis of " suspected Gilbert's syndrome"
will be accepted only after the effect of high carbohydrate meal or
bilirubin level has been determined) and alkaline phosphatase with a cut off
for exclusion by 10 % > ULN (upper limit of normal range for the measuring
- Test b; Hematology: WBC with a cut off for exclusion by < 3.80 x 10**9 /L,
neutrophils with a cut off for exclusion by < 2.00 x 10**9 /L, platelets
with a cut off for exclusion by < 100 x 10**9 /L, hemoglobin with a cut off
for exclusion by < 12 g/dL
- Test c; urea nitrogen and creatinine with a cut off for exclusion by 10 % >
Exclusion criteria:
- Viral respiratory tract infection, respiratory tract infection or asthma exacerbation
within the six weeks preceding the study or, if hospitalized for their asthma in the
last eight weeks
- Evidence of relevant concomitant disease based on complete medical history, full
physical examination and clinical laboratory tests
- Known drug or alcohol dependence (absence of dependency for 10 years), history of
significant allergic reactions to drugs or sensitivity to aspirin
- Use of an investigational new drug in the preceding month or six half lives (whichever
is greater) prior to the first screen at visit 1
- Donate of blood during the preceding month of visit 1
- Patients receiving hyposensitization therapy who are not on a stable dose for the last
three months before visit 1