The HDL Particle Protection Study
Trial end date:
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Atorvastatin is a statin that significantly decreases LDL level. At 10 mg/day, atorvastatin increases HDL level by 4-5%. At 80 mg/day, atorvastatin does not increase HDL level. However, atorvastatin is more protective at 80 mg/day than at 10 mg/day. This is due to a better reduction in LDL level at 80 mg, but we also think that 80 mg/day of atorvastatin is superior to 10 mg/day in improving the QUALITY of HDL, such as improving HDL particle number and function (better anti-oxydant activity)Phase:
Phase 4Details
Lead Sponsor:
Hotel Dieu de France HospitalCollaborators:
Nouvelle Société Française d'Athérosclérose
Atorvastatin Calcium
Inclusion Criteria: patient should have all of the 3 criteria:1. Patient with diabetes mellitus, defined by at least 1 of the following:
Fasting glucose > 125 mg/dL confirmed on 2 occasions HbA1C > 6.5% Patients receiving
any glucose lowering agent (oral or subcutaneous)
2. Lipid profile should have ALL of the following characteristics:
Triglycerides >150 mg/dL HDL <45 mg/dL LDL < 190 mg/dL
3. Lp(a) level < 30 mg/dL
Exclusion Criteria:
1. Patients with known coronary artery disease defined by at least one of the following:
- Prior myocardial infarction
- Prior PCI
- Prior CABG
- Known coronary stenosis > 50% on coronary angiography
- A non invasive study revealing myocardial ischemia (such as a stress test, a
nuclear perfusion study or a stress echo)
2. Poor diabetic control defined by an HbA1c > 8.5% in the preceding 3 months
3. Patients with known diabetic retinopathy, nephropathy or neuropathy
4. Patients with a creatinin clearance < 75 ml/min as calculated by the Cockcroft-Gault
5. Patients who have received any lipid lowering therapy within 6 weeks prior to
inclusion (statin, fibrates, ezetimibe, niacin, resin binding agent)
6. Patients with underlying malignancy or infection or inflammatory disease
7. Patients with SGPT or SGOT or CK > 2.5 times upper reference value
8. Patients allergic to statins or who experienced prior significant side effects with
statins such as elevation of liver enzymes or CK > 2.5 upper reference value
9. Patients older than 80
10. Females who are premenopausal
11. Patients unable to give informed consent