The HERO-study: Effects of Roflumilast in Patients With COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) (BY217/M2-121)
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
The purpose of this trial is to study the effects of roflumilast on lung function parameters indicative of hyperinflation in patients with COPD.Phase:
Phase 3Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Main Inclusion Criteria:- Written informed consent
- Patients with a history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease for at least 12
months as defined by the GOLD (Global Initiative on Obstructive Lung Diseases)
criteria (2003)
- Age ≥ 40 years
- FEV1/FVC ratio (post-bronchodilator) ≤ 70%
- FEV1 (post-bronchodilator) ≤ 65% of predicted
- FRC (post-bronchodilator) ≤ 120% of predicted
- Clinically stable COPD within 4 weeks prior to baseline visit (B0).
- Availability of a chest x-ray dated a maximum of 6 months prior to study baseline
visit (B0) or a willingness to have a chest x-ray performed at visit (B0).
Main Exclusion Criteria:
- COPD exacerbation indicated by a treatment with systemic glucocorticosteroids not
stopped at least 4 weeks prior to the baseline visit (B0)
- Non smoker, current smoker or ex-smoker (smoking cessation at least one year ago) with
a smoking history of < 10 pack years
- Suffering from any concomitant disease that might interfere with study procedures or
- Lower respiratory tract infection not resolved 4 weeks prior to the baseline visit
- Diagnosis of asthma and/or other relevant lung disease (e.g. history of
bronchiectasis, cystic fibrosis, bronchiolitis, lung resection, lung cancer,
interstitial lung disease [e.g. fibrosis, silicosis, sarcoidosis], and active
- Current participation in a pulmonary rehabilitation program or completion of a
pulmonary rehabilitation program within 2 months preceding the baseline visit (B0).
- Known alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency
- Need for long term oxygen therapy defined as ≥ 15 hours/day
- Clinically relevant abnormal laboratory values suggesting an unknown disease and
requiring further clinical evaluation (as assessed by the investigator)
- Known infection with HIV, active hepatitis and/or liver insufficiency
- Diagnosis or history of cancer (other than basal cell carcinoma) or recurrence within
5 years prior to study start
- Clinically significant cardiopulmonary abnormalities (diagnosed clinically or by
x-ray/ECG) that are not related to COPD and that require further evaluation
- Pregnancy, breast feeding, oocyte donation or oocyte implantation planned during the
- The female patient is of childbearing potential and is not using and is not willing to
continue to use a medically reliable method of contraception for the entire study
duration, such as oral, injectable, or implantable contraceptives, or intrauterine
contraceptive devices, unless she is surgically sterilized/hysterectomized or
post-menopausal > 1 year or any other criteria considered sufficiently reliable by the
investigator in individual cases
- Participation in another study (use of investigational product) within 30 days
preceding the baseline visit (B0) or re-entry of patients already enrolled in this
- Suspected inability or unwillingness to comply with study procedures
- Alcohol or drug abuse
- Inability to follow study procedures due to, for example, language problems or
psychological disorders
- Use of prohibited drugs
- Suspected hypersensitivity to the study medication and/or contraindication to any
ingredients of the study medication (roflumilast) or rescue medication