The Influence of Heart Rate Limitation on Exercise Tolerance in Pacemaker Patients.
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
To examine the effects of heart rate reduction on exercise capacity in control subjects and patients with chronic heart failure.Phase:
N/AAccepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
University of LeedsCriteria
Inclusion criteria:We will only include patients able to give informed written consent, which will be obtained
in all subjects, and those capable of performing a peak exercise test. Since we are
performing the study on three groups of patients, further inclusion criteria for each group
are outlined below.
Inclusion criteria - CRT-sinus rhythm group We will enrol 25 patients with severe CHF on
otherwise optimally tolerated medical therapy who have undergone cardiac resynchronisation
therapy at least 3 months previously. These individuals will be on optimal medical therapy
for their heart failure with no change in medication or exacerbation for the preceding 3
months. They will not currently be taking ivabradine.
Inclusion criteria - CRT-atrial fibrillation group We will enrol 25 patients with severe
CHF on otherwise optimally tolerated medical therapy who have undergone cardiac
resynchronisation therapy at least 3 months previously. All patients will be previously
pacemaker dependant or have 'blocked' atrial fibrillation either due to medical therapy or
previous atrio-ventricular nodal ablation.
Inclusion criteria - control group The control subjects (n=25) will be recruited from the
general pacemaker clinic. They will undergo echocardiography to exclude structural heart
disease. They will have no contraindications to exercise testing or ivabradine.
Exclusion Criteria:
We will exclude subjects with musculoskeletal disorders limiting exercise capacity,
patients with peripheral vascular disease, those with inflammatory disorders such as
rheumatoid arthritis, and airways disease. Other exclusions include contraindications to
ivabradine use such as severe hepatic impairment, significant renal impairment (creatinine
clearance <15ml.min-1), and long QT syndrome. We will only include patients able to give
informed written consent, which will be obtained in all subjects.