The PK and PD of Dapagliflozin Therapy in Combination With Insulin in Japanese Subjects With T1DM
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
This randomized, single-blind, 3 arm, parallel group, placebo controlled PK/PD study will enrol 30 Japanese male and female patients with T1DM and age 18 to 65 years, with inadequate glycemic control on insulin defined as HbA1c ≥ 7.0% and ≤ 10.0% at screening visit. lacebo-controlled design. Patients will be randomized in a 1:1:1 ratio into one of the 3 single-blinded treatment arms; dapagliflozin 5 mg, dapagliflozin 10 mg or placebo. CSII user are excluded.Phase:
Phase 1Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Lead Sponsor:
Inclusion Criteria:- Signed Written Informed Consent Subjects or their legally responsible representatives
must be willing and able to give signed and dated written informed consent.
- Target Population Diagnosis of T1DM. In addition, the following criteria also needs to
be met; Central laboratory test of C-peptide < 0.7 ng/mL Subject re-enrolment: This
study does not permit the re-enrolment of a subject who has discontinued the study as
a screen failure
- Insulin use for at least 12 months prior to the enrolment per subject report or
medical records and Method of insulin administration (MDI) must have been unchanged
for at least 3 months prior to the enrolment per subject report or medical records.
Subjects must be taking a total daily insulin dose of ≥ 0.3 U/kg/day for at least 3
months prior to the enrolment. CSII users are excluded. MDI insulin administration
subject must be on ≥ 3x injections per day.
- Gender and reproductive Status Japanese men and women.
- HbA1c eligibility criteria include: Screening Visit: Central laboratory HbA1c ≥ 7.0 %
and ≤ 10.0 % (One repeat HbA1c test for subjects in screening if their initial test
result was an HbA1c ± 0.2% of the cut off values)
- BMI ≥ 20.0 kg/m², ≤ 35.0 kg/m² at visit 1
- Ages 18 to 65 years, inclusive - ≥ 18 years old and < 20 years old must have assent
forms signed and dated by their parents or guardians
Exclusion Criteria:
- Target Disease Exceptions History of T2DM In cases where the subject has a history of
T2DM and has a documented history of being auto-antibody positive for GAD65, tyrosine
phosphatase IA-2/IA-2β, or Zinc Transporter 8 (ZnT8), or fasting c-peptide value below
the lower limit of detection performed by local or central laborator, the subject will
be eligible for screening
- Maturity onset diabetes of young (MODY), Pancreatic surgery, chronic pancreatitis, or
other pancreatic disorders that could result in decreased β-cell capacity (eg,
pancreatogenous diabetes)
- Any antihyperglycemic agent use, other than thiazolidinediones, or insulin, within 1
month prior to the screening visit. Use of thiazolidinediones within 6 months prior to
the screening visit.
- History of DKA requiring medical intervention (eg, emergency room visit and/or
hospitalization) within 1 month prior to the enrolment
- History of hospital admission for glycemic control (either hyperglycemia or
hypoglycemia) within 1 month prior to the enrolment
- Malignancy within 5 years of the enrolment (with the exception of treated basal cell
or treated squamous cell carcinoma)
- History of bladder cancer
- History of radiation therapy to the lower abdomen or pelvis at any time Unstable
pre-proliferative and proliferative retinopathy (untreated or under treatment).
- Physical and Laboratory Test Findings Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) > 3x upper
limit of normal (ULN) Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) > 3x ULN Serum total bilirubin
(TB) > 2.0 mg/dL (34.2 μmol/L).
- Estimated GFR (eGFR) by the Japanese Society of Nephrology formula ≤ 60 mL/min/1.73m2.
Hemoglobin ≤ 11.0 g/dL (110 g/L) for men; hemoglobin ≤ 10.0 g/dL (100 g/L) for women.
- Positive for hepatitis B surface antigen or anti-hepatitis C virus antibody
- Abnormal Free T4